git clone ~/
Install any of the scripts seperatly ./Brewfile ./Caskfile ./AppStore ./NPM
Problems setting up zshrc and oh-my-zsh also with spaceship theme.
Order of installation, brew needs to be installed to install nvm.
Need to manually make .config/nvim
First run of FullSetup doesn't move past linking config files
Second run says brew command doesn't exists
brew need a restart of the terminal
Also says mas command not found
Also says nvm and npn not found - replace with volta
iTerm doesn't show up in the links of downloadable apps
Nord colors need to be set
Mas for installing appstore applications have a lot of errors because of old commands and doesn't install any apps
Settings for iTerm are not being reused
Fira Code is not being downloaded
SSH config is not a part of the setup
Get FiraCode Nerd for icons in nvim-tree