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  • Astro - A fast, flexible new static site framework for the modern web.
  • TypeScript - A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.
  • Drizzle ORM - A lightweight and simple ORM for Node.js that supports multiple databases.
  • Turso - A Fast, Easy and Cheap Database.
  • Cloudflare Pages - A JAMstack platform for frontend developers.


  • assets - Static assets such as images, favicons, and manifest files.
  • components - Reusable components.
  • content - Content for the blog posts and pages.
  • data - Metadata for the site
  • layouts - Layouts for the site.
  • libs - Libraries for the site.
  • pages - Pages for the site.
  • utils - Utility functions for the site.


  • Easy styling customization with Tailwind
  • Lightweight
  • Mobile-friendly view
  • Uses Turso for post views
  • Automatic image optimization via astro:assets
  • Pre-configured security headers
  • SEO friendly with RSS feed, sitemaps and more!

Running Locally

$ git clone
$ cd News47ell
$ npm
$ npm run dev

Cloning / Forking

Please review the license and remove all of my personal information (resume, blog posts, images, etc.).