git clone && cd api
git checkout -b river/dev --track origin/river/dev
npm install
cp docker/development/.env.docker .env
npm run build:docker
npm run start:docker
npm run stop:docker
cp .env.default .env
npm run start:refs
- installl mongodb and start it
- install gmc and start it
- install ipfs and start it
- more detail see REFERENCE
npm start
API Documentation over at doc
You need to run a gmc / parity node and ipfs on the backend in order to test this effectively
screen -S gmc ./go-musicoin/build/bin/gmc --rpc --rpcapi=eth,net,web3,personal --rpcport 8545 --rpcaddr --rpccorsdomain lcoalhost
screen -S ipfs ./go-ipfs/ipfs daemon --init=true --migrate=true
node app.js --ipfsHost http://localhost:8080 --web3Host http://localhost:8545
Requires environment variables to be set (refer config.js)
Checkout test shells in test directory