Designed to be used with a RESTfull api.
You can use it with universal-router to replace
packages like react-router. See the example.
And then instead of boring window.location
like locations injected into your props you can get your
super-sweet api aware locations, and then remove a lot of crufty code out the view.
If you happen to use Postgres I also built js-postgrest to work with this library.
If you happen to use React I made a HOC router that can be used with this library react-withUniversalRouter.
npm i js-location
// define your params
const ParamSortName = new QueryEnumParam('abc', () => ('order by name'), 'by Name')
const ParamSortPop = new QueryEnumParam('pop', () => ('order by count desc'), 'by Popularity')
const ParamSearch = new QueryParam((v) => (`and name = '${v}'`), 'Search', (v) => /(\D+)/.test(v))
const ParamID = new QueryParam((v) => (`and id = ${v}`), null)
// define your custom location to extend Location
class MyLocation extends Location {
constructor(href, View) {
this.View = View
// XXX this is just an example. I would not really do things this way.
// You would would probably want to find some kind of RESTfull API.
// here is my attempt to write some valid sql.
// Note that it does not guarantee to put the clauses in the right order
// and it would be open to **sql injection**.
api() {
return "select * from table test where 1=1 " + this.matches().join(" ")
// this represents the api interface
class TestLocation extends MyLocation {
static route = '/test/:id(\\d+)/'; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
// These represent all the valid params that
// could be present in an url.
static params = {
'q': ParamSearch,
'id': ParamID,
'o': [
var href = ""
var loc = new TestLocation(href)
var other = new TestLocation(href+"&s=1")
loc.getMatchedParam('o') // ParamSortName
loc.hrefFromSearch({q:'new search'}) //"
loc.equal(other) // false
loc.matches() // ['order by name', "and name = 'stuff'", "and id=24"]
loc.url() //"
loc.href() // /test/24/?q=stuff&o=abc#hash"
loc.pathname() // /test/24/ // {q:"stuff", o:"abc"}
git clone
cd js-location && make