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User Contributed Audio

Charlie McVicker edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 3 revisions


This page describes audio uploaded by individual users through the DAILP site. For document audio recorded during DAILP-hosted Zoom sessions, see Audio Data Process.

User Contributed Audio refers to individual word audio uploaded or recorded by users through the word pane on the DAILP site. This audio is uploaded to AWS S3 and several records are made in DAILP's database to record who contributed this audio and when.

A user's ability to upload or record audio is based on their Groups.

Contributing audio (recording and uploading)

Users on the DAILP site in the Contributors group may record word audio on the site. By default, user-contributed audio is not shown to readers (viewers of the site who are not signed in or who are signed in but do not have any roles). User-contributed audio must be marked to be shown to readers by a user in the Editors group. See Curating Audio below. Editors can also upload audio from other programs (ie. audio from a recording session).

To contribute audio, begin by selecting a word (opening the word pane) and clicking Edit at the top right of the pane. The controls to upload or record audio (based on your groups) should be visible in this word editing pane. If you do not have the option to upload audio, you may not have the correct groups tied to your account, and should contact a site administrator.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 2 47 46 PM

A contributor's view of the edit word pane, showing the controls to record new word audio

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 2 46 55 PM

The editor's "Upload Audio" workflow

Curating audio

Users with the Editors group are responsible for showing audio contributions to readers. When an editor selects a word (opening the word pane) and clicks Edit they will see the controls to curate word audio. Editors may listen to each available piece of audio for a word, and select which will be shown to readers. Multiple pronunciations for each word can be shown.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 2 48 21 PM

The editor's panel for curating word audio, shown above the upload audio functionality.