The simulation scenario ontology aims to provide structures for modeling of energy system simulation scenarios as part of the NFDI4Energy plattform.
As a first step towards developing the simulation scenario ontology, we reviewed existing ontologies and evaluated their relevance for definition of simulation scenarios. The relevant ontologies are listed here.
Ontology | Link | Last Update | Open Source | License | Literature |
COSMO | - | - | No | No | Y. M. Teo and C. Szabo, „CODES: An integrated approach to composable modeling and simulation“, Proc. - Simul. Symp., S. 103–110, 2008, doi: |
DEMO | | ? | Yes | No | G. A. Silver, J. a. Miller, M. Hybinette, G. Baramidze, und W. S. York, „DeMO: An Ontology for Discrete-event Modeling and Simulation“, Simulation, Bd. 87, Nr. 9, S. 747–773, 2011, doi: |
OSMO | | 2020 | Yes | LGPL 3 | M. T. Horsch, D. Toti, S. Chiacchiera, M. A. Seaton, G. Goldbeck, und I. T. Todorov, „OSMO: Ontology for simulation, modelling, and optimization“, CEUR Workshop Proc., Bd. 2969, 2021. |
PIMODES | - | - | No | No | L. W. Lacy, „Interchanging Discrete event simulation Process Interaction Models using the Web Ontology Language-OWL“, University of Central Florida, 2006. |
Ontology for Urban Energy Simulation | | 05/2023 | Yes | No | |
FMI ontology | | 02/2022 | Yes | MIT | M. Stüber and G. Frey, „Dynamic system models and their simulation in the Semantic Web“, Semantic Web, Bd. 1, S. 1–36, 2023, doi: |
SMS ontology | | 09/2022 | Yes | MIT | M. Stüber and G. Frey, „Dynamic system models and their simulation in the Semantic Web“, Semantic Web, Bd. 1, S. 1–36, 2023, doi: |
SimWis | - | ? | No | No | J. Stolipin and S. Wenzel, „Ontologiebasierte Methodik zur Unterstützung der Nachnutzung von Simulationswissen“, at "Simulation in Produktion und Logistik" 2019, Auerbach, 2019. |
OEO | | 09/2024 | Yes | CC0 1.0 | M. Booshehri et al., „Energy and AI Introducing the Open Energy Ontology : Enhancing data interpretation and interfacing in energy systems analysis“, Energy AI, Bd. 5, Nr. April, S. 100074, 2021, doi: |
EnArgus | | 2017 | Yes | CC BY-SA 3.0 | L. Oppermann et al., „Finding and analysing energy research funding data: The EnArgus system“, Energy AI, Bd. 5, S. 100070, Sep. 2021, doi: |
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