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Relation of the NIF Core Ontology to ITS 2.0

Milan Dojčinovski edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 3 revisions

NIF 3.0 merges several properties from the ITS 2.0 vocab into the NIF Core Ontology (Not complete yet and still work in progress).


Lexical Entry Link: This property links a phrase or an individual word to a resource providing information for a corresponding meaning (i.e. a matching entry in an actual lexicon or a 'mental lexicon' of a speech community). For example, in the sentence 'The bank was robbed.' the word 'bank' refers to a lexical entry /bank/ that groups several lexical senses (e.g. financial institute and sitting accomodation).


Lexcial Sense Link: This property links a phrase or an individual word to a resource that represents a single appropirate lexical sense. For example, the word 'bank' in 'The bank was robbed' would link to a resource describing the word sense of the financial institution.


Lexical Entry Link Confidence: This property gives a confidence measure for the link stated by nif:lexicalEntryLink assertion on the same subject.


Lexical Sense Link Confidence: This property gives a confidence measure for the link stated by nif:lexicalSenseLink assertion on the same subject.


Named Entity Link: This property links a phrase or an individual word to a resource providing information about the named entity denoted by the word/phrase.


Named Entity Confidence: This property gives a confidence measure for the link stated by nif:namedEntityLink assertion on the same subject.


Named Entity Category Link: This property links a phrase or an individual word to a resource providing information about the class/category of the named entity denoted by the word/phrase. For example, if the subject would be 'William Shakespeare' a suitable category link would be dbo:Person.


Named Entity Category Confidence: This property gives a confidence measure for the link stated by nif:entityCategoryLink assertion on the same subject.

nif:machineTranslationConf - TODO