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Slight csh fixes for error handling for GFDL frepp wrapper (#488) #1321

Slight csh fixes for error handling for GFDL frepp wrapper (#488)

Slight csh fixes for error handling for GFDL frepp wrapper (#488) #1321

Workflow file for this run

# This file builds and runs a lightweight version of the MDTF test suite.
# Note that the tests assess functionality of the diagnostics,
# and do not evaluate data or scientific content.
name: MDTF_test
- main
- main
shell: bash -l {0}
runs-on: ${{matrix.os}}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]
json-file: ["tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set1.jsonc","tests/github_actions_test_macos_set1.jsonc"]
json-file-set2: ["tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set2.jsonc", "tests/github_actions_test_macos_set2.jsonc"]
json-file-set3: ["tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set3.jsonc", "tests/github_actions_test_macos_set3.jsonc"]
# if experimental is true, other jobs to run if one fails
experimental: [false]
- os: ubuntu-latest
json-file: "tests/github_actions_test_macos_set1.jsonc"
- os: ubuntu-latest
json-file-set2: "tests/github_actions_test_macos_set2.jsonc"
- os: ubuntu-latest
json-file-set3: "tests/github_actions_test_macos_set3.jsonc"
- os: macos-latest
json-file: "tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set1.jsonc"
- os: macos-latest
json-file-set2: "tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set2.jsonc"
- os: macos-latest
json-file-set3: "tests/github_actions_test_ubuntu_set3.jsonc"
max-parallel: 2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Set up Micromamba
- uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
init-shell: bash
condarc: |
- conda-forge
- defaults
- name: Initialize and verify miniconda installation
run: |
conda init bash
conda info -a
- name: Install XQuartz if macOS
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'macos-latest'}}
run: |
echo "Installing XQuartz"
brew install --cask xquartz
- name: Set environment variables
run: |
echo "POD_OUTPUT=$(echo $PWD/../wkdir/GFDL.Synthetic)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Install Conda Environments
run: |
echo "Installing Conda Environments"
# MDTF-specific setup: install all conda envs
micromamba create -f ./src/conda/env_base.yml
micromamba create -f ./src/conda/env_python3_base.yml
micromamba create -f ./src/conda/env_NCL_base.yml
micromamba create -f ./src/conda/env_R_base.yml
echo "Creating the _MDTF_synthetic_data environment"
micromamba create -f ./src/conda/_env_synthetic_data.yml
- name: Generate Model Data
run: |
cd ../
micromamba activate _MDTF_synthetic_data
pip install mdtf-test-data
mkdir mdtf_test_data ; cd mdtf_test_data
# generate the data and run unit tests -c GFDL --startyear 1 --nyears 10 --unittest -c NCAR --startyear 1975 --nyears 7 -c CMIP --startyear 1990 --nyears 20
cd ../
mkdir wkdir
- name: Get Observational Data for Set 1
run: |
echo "${PWD}"
cd ../
echo "Available Space"
df -h
# attempt FTP data fetch
# allow 20 min for transfer before timeout; Github actions allows 6 hours for individual
# jobs, but we don't want to max out resources that are shared by the NOAA-GFDL repos.
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output convective_transition_diag_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output EOF_500hPa_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output Wheeler_Kiladis_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output MJO_teleconnection_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output MJO_suite_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output precip_diurnal_cycle_obs_data.tar
## make input data directories
mkdir -p inputdata/obs_data
echo "Untarring set 1 NCAR/CESM standard test files"
tar -xvf convective_transition_diag_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf EOF_500hPa_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf precip_diurnal_cycle_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf MJO_teleconnection_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf MJO_suite_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf Wheeler_Kiladis_obs_data.tar
# clean up tarballs
rm -f *.tar
- name: Run diagnostic tests set 1
run: |
echo "POD_OUTPUT is: "
echo "${POD_OUTPUT}"
micromamba activate _MDTF_base
# trivial check that install script worked
./ --version
# run the test PODs
./ -v -f ${{matrix.json-file}}
- name: Get observational data for set 2
run: |
echo "${PWD}"
# remove data from previous run
# Actions moves you to the root repo directory in every step, so need to cd again
cd ../inputdata/obs_data
echo "deleting obs data from set 1"
rm -rf *
cd ../../
echo "Available Space"
df -h
# attempt FTP data fetch
# allow 20 min for transfer before timeout; Github actions allows 6 hours for individual
# jobs, but we don't want to max out resources that are shared by the NOAA-GFDL repos.
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output MJO_prop_amp_obs_data.tar
echo "Untarring set 2 GFDL standard test files"
tar -xvf MJO_prop_amp_obs_data.tar
# clean up tarballs
rm -f *.tar
- name: Run diagnostic tests set 2
run: |
micromamba activate _MDTF_base
# run the test PODs
./ -v -f ${{matrix.json-file-set2}}
# Uncomment the following line for debugging
# cat ../wkdir/MDTF_GFDL.Synthetic_1_10/MJO_prop_amp/MJO_prop_amp.log
- name: Get observational data for set 3
run: |
echo "${PWD}"
# remove data from previous run
# Actions moves you to the root repo directory in every step, so need to cd again
cd ../inputdata/obs_data
echo "deleting obs data from set 2"
rm -rf *
cd ../../
echo "Available Space"
df -h
# attempt FTP data fetch
# allow 20 min for transfer before timeout; Github actions allows 6 hours for individual
# jobs, but we don't want to max out resources that are shared by the NOAA-GFDL repos.
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output temp_extremes_distshape_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output tropical_pacific_sea_level_obs_data.tar.gz
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output mixed_layer_depth_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output ocn_surf_flux_diag_obs_data.tar
# curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output albedofb_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output seaice_suite_obs_data.tar
curl --verbose --ipv4 --connect-timeout 8 --max-time 1200 --retry 128 --ftp-ssl --ftp-pasv -u "anonymous:anonymous" --output stc_eddy_heat_fluxes_obs_data.tar
echo "Untarring set 3 CMIP standard test files"
tar -xvf temp_extremes_distshape_obs_data.tar
tar -zxvf tropical_pacific_sea_level_obs_data.tar.gz
tar -xvf mixed_layer_depth_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf ocn_surf_flux_diag_obs_data.tar
# tar -xvf albedofb_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf seaice_suite_obs_data.tar
tar -xvf stc_eddy_heat_fluxes_obs_data.tar
# clean up tarballs
rm -f *.tar
rm -f *.tar.gz
- name: Run CMIP diagnostic tests set 3
run: |
micromamba activate _MDTF_base
# run the test PODs
./ -v -f ${{matrix.json-file-set3}}
- name: Run unit tests
run: |
micromamba activate _MDTF_base
python -m unittest discover