A detailed manual for embedding the code in the SDK example "hello_world" can be found here: https://nxp.gitbook.io/hovergames/addons/rapid-iot/mavlink-for-rapid-iot
- Download SDK from here: https://www.nxp.com/webapp/Download?colCode=SLN-RPK-NODE-SDK&appType=license
- Install the SDK per Drag&Drop into the “Installed SDKs” Window of MCUXpresso
- Open the Workspace in which you want to work.
- Select “File->New->Project”
- A wizard for a new Project opens
- Select “MCUXpresso IDE -> Import SDK Examples” and press next
- Select the “rapid_iot_k64f” board (you can find it after selecting “K6x” in the window “SDK MCUs”) and press next
- Create a project name (prefix) and select the “hello world” project under the item “rapid_iot_apps” and change the "SDK Debug Console" zu UART, then press next
- From the project Advanced Settings page, uncheck the two options Redirect SDK “PRINTF” to C library “printf” and Include semihost Hardfault handler and check the option Redlib: Use floating point version of printf, then press Finish
- Go to the “Peripherals". To do that select Window->Perspective->Open Perspective->Peripherals
- Select your project and the functional group “BOARD_Init_TERMIANL_UART” and activate the checkbox of UART2 and name this Peripheral “UART_2”
- Update the Project via the “Update Project” button (in some versions it can be called "Update Code")
- Build the project. Now errors may occur during compilation. How to fix this is described here: https://nxp.gitbook.io/hovergames/addons/rapid-iot/mavlink-for-rapid-iot
- Copy the folder “mavlink” into the project (select the project header by right click and paste the folder there)
- Delete the “hello_world.c” in the folder “source”
- Copy the file “hg_mavlink_demo.c” in the folder “source”
- Build the project
- Select the “GUI Flash Tool” on the top and flash your code to the Rapid IoT
- Therefore you have to connect your device to the PC via JLink. Follow the steps in this link till connection of the adapter board with the J-Link: https://nxp.gitbook.io/hovergames/developerguide/program-software-using-debugger after that connect the JST-GH wire to the debug port of the HDIB abapter board (port at the bottom).