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依赖: requests, PIL 依赖框架:mirai mirai官方地址:https://github.com/mamoe/mirai
协议: GPL v2
目前我正在运行这个机器人在qq平台,一个中国大陆内人人皆用的社交软件,但是由于QQ的特殊性,QQ没有提供官方的bot框架,他不像Discord一样,discord官方提供了一系列的Bot api帮助开发者开发Discord bot。 而QQ则不一样,QQ官方没有提供bot相关的API来帮助开发者搭建自己的Bot,所以得使用mirai或者其他框架,也就是第三方的bot框架。 当我申请Production API Key的时候被驳回:We are unable to grant a production application for a project that is not available. Please re-apply and provide a working link to your project, we cannot accept a link to source code as proof of the project. 原因就是上面我说的,由于QQ这款社交软件的特殊性,导致官方没有提供bot的api与bot邀请地址,但实际上我的bot正在稳定运行超过8个月,服务人数超过3000,频道数量超过70个。
I am currently running this bot on the QQ platform, a social networking software used by everyone in mainland China, but due to the special nature of QQ, QQ does not provide an official bot framework, unlike Discord, which officially provides a series of bot api to help developers develop Discord bots. Unlike Discord, which provides a series of bot api to help developers develop Discord bots, QQ does not provide an official bot-related API to help developers build their own bots, so they have to use mirai or other frameworks, i.e. third-party bot frameworks. When I applied for the Production API Key, I was rejected: We are unable to grant a production application for a project that is not available. link to your project, we cannot accept a link to source code as proof of the project. The reason is what I said above, due to the special nature of QQ social software, there is no official api for bot and bot invitation address, but in fact my bot is running stably for more than 8 months, serving more than 3000 people and more than 70 channels.