What is Meta-Pool and other non-Technical Documentation
This is the Smart Contract repository. The Web App UI is at https://github.com/Narwallets/metastaking-webapp
- Initial version based on core-contracts/lockup and core-contracts/staking-pool
- Deposit, withdraw
- Distributed stake/unstake
- NEAR/stNEAR liquidity pool, Add/Remove liquidity
- META Minting with rewards
- Full functionality
- Simplified user flow
- Desk check testing https://github.com/Narwallets/sc-desk-check-parser
- Deposit/withdraw
- Buy stNEAR/Stake
- Sell stNEAR/immediate unstake
- Classic unstake-wait-finish-unstake
- User trip-meter, measure rewards
- distribute staking/unstaking
- retrieve unstaked and ready
- NEAR/stNEAR Liquidity Pool, Add/Remove liquidity
- clearing mechanism on stake to restore liquidity in the NSLP
- act as a NEP-xxx MULTI-FUN-TOK (multi-token contract). Implement for NEAR, stNEAR and META
- Dividends-pool stNEAR/META
- Staking-loans to whitelisted validators
- Emergency Staking (from the nslp) to whitelisted validators
- Simulation tests
- Fuzzy Testing
- List selected staking pools, getting weight, staked & unstaked
- add a staking pool, set weight
- Mint and distribute META with rewards
- Phase II - Governing DAO
- External cron to call distribute()
- compute remaining epoch time
- whitelist pools before adding them
- USDNEAR MVP: Create a collateral-based stablecoin similar to Compound's DAI, using NEAR & stNEAR as collateral