Examples to simplify running a Telos node. These examples assume you're running Ubuntu 18.04
Create a directory to store nodes and binaries in, setup a log directory and set their permissions. Let's assume your user is named telos
and you want to store everything in a directory named /telos
sudo mkdir /telos
sudo mkdir /var/log/nodeos
sudo chown telos: /telos
sudo chown telos: /var/log/nodeos
sudo apt install schedtool
To create a new node at /telos/nodes/testnet1:
mkdir -p /telos/nodes/testnet1
cd /telos/nodes/testnet1
curl -L https://api.github.com/repos/telosnetwork/node-template/tarball/master | tar -xvz --strip=1
Copy the contents of the peers.ini from mainnet/testnet directory into the config.ini from the template, adding/removing peers to suit your region/needs
echo >> config.ini
echo "#TESTNET PEERS:" >> config.ini
cat testnet/peers.ini >> config.ini
Pick a version to download from https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/releases
wget https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/releases/download/v2.0.6/eosio_2.0.6-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./eosio_2.0.6-1-ubuntu-18.04_amd64.deb
Now find where the binaries installed and move them to somewhere that won't be changed when you install the next version, it's likely they are in /usr/opt/eosio/
, this will allow you to run a different version on this same machine
mkdir -p /telos/eosio
cp -a /usr/opt/eosio/2.0.6 /telos/eosio/
Now you know the path to the binaries, change that in the node_config
vi /telos/nodes/testnet1/node_config
And set the BUILD_ROOT
Review the config.ini file to get familiar with it, adjust as needed
Make sure you set the ports to ones that are not already in use on this server by other nodes
cd /telos/nodes/testnet1
./start.sh --genesis-json ./testnet/genesis.json
This assumes the node operator has reasonable system administration skills, which should be expected of a Telos block producer.
Point DNS at the server and expose the p2p port (p2p-listen-endpoint
), this is your seed/p2p endpoint and is only tcp, it does not require anything in front of it. If you wish you can use a tcp load balancer such as haproxy in front of the p2p, then you'll point the DNS at the load balancer.
Install something like nginx or haproxy and point DNS at it for your API endpoint, configure it for SSL.
A popular option is to put nginx in front of it using auto-renewing and free SSL certs from Let's Encrypt - https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-secure-nginx-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-18-04
You'll want to configure nginx in this case for a reverse proxy, and point it at your http-server-address