Steps for running gem5 on Cluster:
Install Docker and Singularity on local system to build the SIF file locally before copying it to the cluster.
Retrieve Dockerfile with all gem5 dependencies from gem5 source at gem5/util/dockerfiles/ubuntu-20.04_all-dependencies/Dockerfile
Copy the Dockerfile to a new directory and build it.
sudo docker build ./
Use "docker images" command to get image id:
docker images
Save the docker image to a tar file:
sudo docker save id -o gem5.tar
Use singularity to build a .sif container file based off of the archived docker image:
sudo singularity build gem5.sif docker-archive://gem5.tar
Copy the .sif file to the cluster
Logging into the cluster :
ssh {username}
Request enteractive cluster node session with desired amount of cores/Memory/Time:
srun -p intel -N 1 -n 1 -c {Number of cores} --mem {Memory} -t {Number of days-00:00:00} --pty /bin/bash
Load singularity module :
module load Singularity/3.4.1
Run containerunder :
singularity run gem5.sif
Start tmux session for building process:
Then checkout and build gem5.