released this
28 Oct 12:23
0 commits
to v0.94.02
since this release
📝 Summary for v0.94.02
This release added a few new features such as tabbing, standard checkbox and docking V2.
While this release brought a lot of new improvements and bug fixes, it is still far from bug free and clunkiness.
Therefore, this release is marked as unstable and the next release (v0.94.03) will mainly be aiming for restructuring and testing instead of adding new features.
🗒️ Changes for v0.94.02 ⬅️ v0.94.01
🚀 Features
- Tab GUI Object (Rf8FO9AQjv)
- TabArea and Tabbable (Rf8FO9AQjv)
- Docking v2 (Js3lpwy7AJ)
- Standard Checkbox (IO4b10Mdn1)
⏫ Functional Improvements
- Added ability to set border to be inner or outer
- Adding input status for last frame (9uoLK4Po9J)
- Default Max Size for checkbox (JXJnz3v5JD)
- Allow option to edit text on standard slider value (3MwJ7gglI8)
- Text modified & finished modifying via GUI event callback (AfoI5x7b6P)
- Refactor ssGUIManager to allow stepping different section (yKWy0x8Cqk)
- Add Event Callback for text change (L0hp5jTY7Y)
- Ability to create new texture atlas (5GX9AWHyyv)
- Added function for printing GUI Objects tree
🧪 Refactoring / Optimizations
- Moved Object Update Info out and added clang format
- Removed duplicate code for extensions
- Updated last input status to be not const
- Rework input status (4F85J3oD98)
- Template for Extension
- Added template for creating new GUI Object classes
- Add input templates from ssGUIManager to backend input interface (8F47mDvMZZ)
- Replace non template functions that uses string to template in extension (kwk4HP3HDr)
- Updated CMakeLists to allow exposing dependencies targets
- Updated CMake files and moved inline function for ssGUIManager to cpp
- Updated call stack logging
- Changed dependencies projects to private to avoid pollution
- Moved backend factory implementation
- Respect current min max size when syncing min max size (uSIS1n1Akq)
- Modified event listener to pass event info by reference
- Allow listener to modify event info to request deleting listener
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed Composite Layout bug where nested layouts are not working properly (QtZ8L4epJ4)
- Fixed textfield caret stuck at beginning or end when selected all texts
- Fixed textfield caret can't go to end of text
- Fixed textfield caret arrow key navigation responsiveness
- Fixed Mask Enforcer not redrawing when parent is resizing (gwaae9R37t)
- Fixed Textfield navigation from last line is going to wrong line when last line is empty (jqPuwPEa39)
- Rework Textfield caret based on detecting changes on start and end selection index (f1cao2EtWm)
- Fixed Text double clicking not selecting word & triple click not selecting sentence (2yGb14JNt2)
- Fixed Text not selecting when cursor is selecting but outside of the widget (N6GQMcl77s)
- Fixed CMake not showing non hidden variables properly
- Fix to backend system mock missing chrono header
- Fixing ImageCanvas not creating TexCoords
- Change default max size to be large but not maximum of type (dGr0K5oxVE)
- Fixed image atlas auto test
- Change GUI Objects to call custom copy constructor (s0TPiFsJY1)
- Fixed Crash on exit when layout got docked and undocked (t7do5GhLPP)
- Fixed crashing caused by missing initialization