A bot that monitors Opensea sales for the Luchadores.io collection & then posts them to Twitter.
If you find this script/repo useful for your project, any ETH/Altcoin/NFT donations are greatly appreciated 🙏
Eth Address: NelsonRodMar.eth
Clone/Fork/Copy this project to your local public/private git repo
Create a Twitter Developer App (make sure you change it to have both read/write permissions)
Complete the env.dist information :
TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY - Your Twitter Developer App's Consumer Key
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET - Your Twitter Developer App's Consumer Secret
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN - The Access Token Key of the Twitter Account your bot is posting from
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET - The Access Token Secret of the Twitter Account your bot is posting from
TWITTER_USER_ID - Your Twitter user id
OPENSEA_API_KEY - Your OpenSea Api Key
LUCHADORES_IMAGE_URL - The Luchadores distant image website
Then use the
php bin/console bot:post
to post the last sales
Q: Name a new commit ?
A: Follow the rules of Gitmoji.
Q: Upgrade and Changement ?
A: To make some upgrade, changement make a merge request and to discuss about it don't hesitate to contact me on Twitter.
Q: Contact me / my Twitter ?
A: On Twitter @NelsonRodMar.