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Linux Malware Detection (LMD) dockerized on Ubuntu


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Linux Malware Detection (LMD) dockerized on Ubuntu. The project is located here.

Docker run

docker run --rm -it -v /dir/to/scan:/scan neomediatech/lmd bash

and then:
maldet -a /scan

To retain signatures, logs and reports:
LPATH="/srv/docker/containers/lmd/data" ; docker run --rm -it -v /dir/to/scan:/scan -v $LPATH/sigs/:/usr/local/maldetect/sigs/ -v $LPATH/sess/:/usr/local/maldetect/sess/ -v $LPATH/logs/:/usr/local/maldetect/logs/ neomediatech/lmd

CLI usage

You can run it through the 'maldet' command, the '--help' option gives a detailed summary of usage options:

-b, --background
  Execute operations in the background, ideal for large scans
  e.g: maldet -b -r /home/?/public_html 7

-u, --update [--force]
   Update malware detection signatures from

-d, --update-ver [--force]
   Update the installed version from

-m, --monitor USERS|PATHS|FILE
   Run maldet with inotify kernel level file create/modify monitoring
   If USERS is specified, monitor user homedirs for UID's > 500
   If FILE is specified, paths will be extracted from file, line spaced
   If PATHS are specified, must be comma spaced list, NO WILDCARDS!
   e.g: maldet --monitor users
   e.g: maldet --monitor /root/monitor_paths
   e.g: maldet --monitor /home/mike,/home/ashton

-k, --kill
   Terminate inotify monitoring service

-r, --scan-recent PATH DAYS
   Scan files created/modified in the last X days (default: 7d, wildcard: ?)
   e.g: maldet -r /home/?/public_html 2

-a, --scan-all PATH
   Scan all files in path (default: /home, wildcard: ?)
   e.g: maldet -a /home/?/public_html

-c, --checkout FILE
   Upload suspected malware to for review & hashing into signatures

-l, --log
   View maldet log file events

-e, --report SCANID email
   View scan report of most recent scan or of a specific SCANID and optionally
   e-mail the report to a supplied e-mail address
   e.g: maldet --report
   e.g: maldet --report list
   e.g: maldet --report 050910-1534.21135
   e.g: maldet --report SCANID [email protected]

-E, --dump-report SCANID
   Similar to -e/--report except dumps the report to stdout instead.
   e.g: maldet --dump-report
   e.g: maldet --dump-report 050910-1534.21135

-s, --restore FILE|SCANID
   Restore file from quarantine queue to orginal path or restore all items from
   a specific SCANID
   e.g: maldet --restore /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/config.php.23754
   e.g: maldet --restore 050910-1534.21135

-q, --quarantine SCANID
   Quarantine all malware from report SCANID
   e.g: maldet --quarantine 050910-1534.21135

-n, --clean SCANID
   Try to clean & restore malware hits from report SCANID
   e.g: maldet --clean 050910-1534.21135

-U, --user USER
   Set execution under specified user, ideal for restoring from user quarantine or
   to view user reports.
   e.g: maldet --user nobody --report
   e.g: maldet --user nobody --restore 050910-1534.21135

-co, --config-option VAR1=VALUE,VAR2=VALUE,VAR3=VALUE
   Set or redefine the value of conf.maldet config options
   e.g: maldet --config-option [email protected],quarantine_hits=1

-p, --purge
   Clear logs, quarantine queue, session and temporary data.


Linux Malware Detection (LMD) dockerized on Ubuntu







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