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Saved Result Filters

Scott Behrens edited this page Oct 17, 2016 · 1 revision

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This describes how you can work with Saved Result Filters and use them to customize your views, send email notifications, and share your favorite filters with other engineers who are using Scumblr.

This section assumes you have already completed the Get Started guide in the wiki.

Manage Filters

Let's go ahead and create a new filter. You can use the as the url, click Search to verify it returned your Github results, and click Save. Next let's name this filter "Github - Sync Results". Click Save.

You will see two sections: Saved Filters and Public Filters. As you are creating filters you can share them publically. You will see Public Filters from other engineers using Scumblr and can add them so they appear in the Result Filters dropdown.

Let's go ahead and click Edit on the new filter we just created.

Setup Email Subscriptions

Assuming you have configured email for Scumblr, let's go ahead and setup a subscription for this filter.

As new repositories are created on the Github organization you have setup a sync task for, you will receive email notifications.

Customizing Columns

A powerful feature of Saved Filters is the ability to customize the columns of your result to give you quicker access to the information you need.

Save columns?

This must be checked in order to change the columns when you load the saved filter.

Built In Fields

A number of fields are provided which can help you easily customize your view.


As described in the Metadata portion of the wiki, you can further customize those columns by searching metadata fields.

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