New features:
- Update Asset class: add copy functions to Asset; add ref/dis_yuv_type; deprecate yuv_type; add ref/dis_start_sec;
- Update subjective models: add confidence interval to subjective model parameters; refactor MLE model and make subclasses; add run_subj command line.
- Recommend pip, add ffmpeg2vmaf info and reorganize prerequisite installation (#88).
- Reduce sleep time in parallel_map.
- Add library interface for VMAF (#90).
- Add VisualStudio2015 support (#92).
- Add example of image dataset notyuv.
- Add pkgconfig file and changed Makefile.
- Add VmafPhoneQualityRunner class.
- Add DMOS_MLE_CO subjective model.
Fixed bugs:
- Update RegressionMixin to handle KFLK exception for dicitonary-style dataset.
- Fix Makefile fedora libptools issue. (#98)
- Refactor NorefExecutorMixin to eliminate repeated codes.
- Refactor C code: get rid of unused double functions; uniformly use read_frame callback function to void repeated code;
- Add strip option to Makefile.