sidekiq-instrumental is a simple gem to record Sidekiq queue stats into Instrumental.
This gem is inspired by the librato-sidekiq gem.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'sidekiq-instrumental'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install sidekiq-instrumental
After you configue Instrumental simply configure Sidekiq::Instrumental with the reference to your agent object.
I =
enabled: ENV['INSTRUMENTAL_KEY'].present?
# now tell Sidekiq::Instrumental what agent connection to use
Sidekiq::Instrumental.configure do |config|
config.instrumental_agent = I
NOTE Make all configuration changes through the .configure
enabled: Boolean, true by default
instrumental_agent: the Instrumental::Agent instance to use to submit metrics
enabled: Boolean, true by default
whitelist_queues: Array, list of queue names that will be the only ones sent to Instrumental (optional)
blacklist_queues: Array, list of queue names that will not be sent to Instrumental (optional)
whitelist_classes: Array, list of worker classes that will be the only ones sent to Instrumental (optional)
blacklist_classes: Array, list of worker classes that will not be sent to Instrumental (optional)
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.