Reset compilation = modern reset + meyer's reset + normalizer.
- Based on Meyer's CSS Reset
- Modernized modern-css-reset
- Useful parts from normalize.css
- Typography by SCSS variables (REM, BEM(int))
- Expandable by prebuilded mixins (Accessability, HTML components)
- Mobile friendly optimization
For instantly fix some persistent CSS issues and add missing parts for popular CSS resets. It is also compatible with other HTML/CSS frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, etc. You can extend styles reset by mixin collection and easily improve it.
yarn add scss-reset;
npm i scss-reset --save;
Please include into top of the main.scss:
@import '../node_modules/scss-reset/src/scss/_reset.scss';
@import '../node_modules/scss-reset/_reset.scss';
or shorter:
@import 'scss-reset/_reset.scss';
depends of your workspace configuration.
- _variables.scss
- _typography.scss
_variables.scss and _typography.scss are optional.
Please copy them from
for additional modifications.
- Please, copy reset-shopify-down.css from '/res' npm folder to '/assets' theme folder
- Please include reset-shopify-down.css into 'layout/theme.liquid/' after base.css
{{ 'reset-shopify-down.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}
Mixins | Include | Description |
disableAnimation | @include disableAnimation; | Disable CSS animation |
acDisableAnimation | @include acDisableAnimation; | Disable CSS animation depends of OS configuration |
acModeBW | @include acModeBW; | Grayscale Mode |
acModeContrast | @include acModeContrast; | Contrast Mode with Inverted colors |
meterReset | @include meterReset; | Styles reset for <meter> |
progressReset | @include progressReset; | Styles reset for <progress> |
- Compressed CSS version: /dist/main.css
- Test Page: /test/index.html
For issues, bugs or improvements please open an issue