Zoe De Simone, Natasha Hirt, Niklas Mannhardt
Check out our live site here.
After pulling from main, run
cd frontend
npm install
cd server/src
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then to start the development server for the backend run
cd server/src
python app.py
to start the development server for the frontend run
cd frontend
npm run dev --open
cd frontend
npm run gh-pages
then switch to the branch gh-pages
and add a file named .nojekyll
. If you skip this then the page won't render the css correctly.
Only Niklas can do this since it's tied to his google account.
cd server
gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/data-viz-adventure-team/flask-server
gcloud run deploy --image gcr.io/data-viz-adventure-team/flask-server