AI-Cup kernel that communicate with client with Rest API
This is a web game where artificial intelligence programmers can participate and compete with each other by writing code for robots that try to win. The game is based on the Risk and the objective is to create the best robot possible to win against other players.
To participate in this game, you need to install Flask, requests and jwt, which is as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
to run server you just need to run the
API | Type |
/ | GET |
get_owners | GET |
get_troops_count | GET |
get_state | GET |
get_turn_number | GET |
get_adj | GET |
next_state | GET |
put_one_troop | POST |
put_troop | POST |
get_player_id | GET |
attack | POST |
move_troop | POST |
get_strategic_nodes | GET |
get_number_of_troops_to_put | GET |
this is API is just for test if the server is running or not
output sample:
"message" : "Welcome, server is running"
this API returns the list of the adjacent nodes of each node
output sample:
"1": [2, 3, 4],
"2": [1, 3],
"3": [1, 2, 4],
"4": [1, 3, 5],
"5": [4]
this API returns the number of troops that you can put on the map
output sample:
"number_of_troops": 10
at the beginning the game gives you some troops to put on the map, players can put one troop in each turn this is the init state of the game
input sample:
"node_id": 1
output sample1:
"message":"troop added successfully"
output sample2:
"error":"You can not put more than one troop in a turn"
at the beginning of each turn you can put some troops on the map, you can use this API to choose the node that you want to put your troops and the number of troops that you want to put on that node
input sample:
"node_id": 1,
"number_of_troops": 2
output sample1:
"message":"troop added successfully"
output sample2:
"error":"This node is already owned by another player"
you can use this API to attack a node with your node
input sample:
"attacking_id": 1,
"target_id": 2,
"fraction": 0.5
rules: - the attacking_id node must be adjacent to the target_id node - the attacking_id node must be owned by you - the target_id node must be owned by another player
output sample1:
"message":"attack is successful"
output sample2:
"error":"fraction is not provided"
you can use this API to move your troops from one node to another node
input sample:
"source": 1,
"destination": 2,
"troop_count": 2
rules: - between source and destination nodes must be a path that you own all of the nodes in that path - the source node must have enough troops to move - at least one troop must stay in the source node - you should own both of the source and destination nodes - you can just move your troops once in each turn
output sample1:
"message":"troops moved successfully"
output sample2:
"error":"troop_count is not provided"