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Randomly generate names of contacts, password, taxid, ... Useful for testing and demonstration.


Contact generator

Generate contact information randomly.

var contact = ContactGenerator.Instance.GenerateContact();

var sortName = contact.SortName;
var longName = contact.LongName;
var givenName = contact.GivenName;
var familyName  = contact.FamilyName;
var email = contact.Email;
var telephoneNumber = contact.TelephoneNumber;

It allows to generate only one value of the contact.

var name = ContactGenerator.Instance.GenerateName();
var name = ContactGenerator.Instance.GenerateName();

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String generation

Generates a string of characters.

var textString = GenericGenerator.Instance.GenerateString();

Generates a string of characters of a certain length.

var textString = GenericGenerator.Instance.GenerateString(3, 20);

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Password generation

Random password generation.

var password = PasswordGenerator.Instance.GeneratePassword();

Generation of passwords randomly, of a certain length.

var password = PasswordGenerator.Instance.GeneratePassword(leng);

Generation of passwords randomly, with a character set determizing

var password = PasswordGenerator.Instance.GeneratePassword("BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTUWXYZ");

XUnit tool

Has extensions for xunit.

Contact generator

Generación de contactos de forma aleatorio para una prueba unitaria.

[GenerateContactInlineData(DataNumber = 3)]
public void ContactGeneratorExtenderContactTest(ContactTest contact)

Password generator

Randomly generating password for a unit test.

[GeneratePasswordInlineData(DataNumber = 3)]
public void PasswordGenerator03(string password)


NuGet Package Latest Versions
Randomly generate
latest stable version
Integration with xunit
latest prerelease version


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