This is a collection of administrative boundaries for all NRC country field operations. Each country has varying levels of administrative boundaries.
This was compiled from various sources including: GADM, GeoBoundaries, and UN sources.1
Administrative boundaries are organized by:
- NRC Region
- Country (ISO 3166 Alpha 3)
- Levels of granularity (i.e ADM 0-4)
- Data formats (.geojson, .shp, .csv)
1 The main source of data is from Runfola, D., Seitz, L., Hobbs, L., Panginaban, J., Oberman, R. et al. geoBoundaries Global Administrative Database.
The collection uses the following folder structure:
Under the Region
folder, a .geojson file can be found for each NRC region. These are made up of a series of country boundaries (ADM0) that were appended together for easy visualization purposes.