Built with C# 9 and the .NET 6.
This project has been created for learning purposes about the network and game logic problematics on the server-side.
We choose to use the LiteNetwork to manage our server connecitions because it provides a clients management system and also a robust packet management system entirely customisable.
Technical information • Features • How To's • Contributing • Contributors • Supporters • License
- Language:
9 (latest) - Framework:
.NET 6
- Application type:
- Database type:
- Configuration files type:
- Environment:
Visual Studio 2022
- External libraries used:
Please take a look at our contributing guidelines, if you're interested in helping!
Before getting started, you will need to install the following softwares:
- Visual Studio 2022
- .NET 6 SDK : https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0
- A MySQL Server
- Any MySQL database explorer (MySQL Workbench for example)
Navigate to the folder where you have checkout the project, open a command prompt (cmd or PowerShell) and run the following command:
$ dotnet build Rhisis.sln -c Release
This command will build the entire solution.
In the same command prompt you used to setup your development environment, navigate to the bin/
directory of your repository and type the following commands:
$> ./rhisis-cli database configure
This command will configure the different servers to access the database. Follow the the instructions that will be displayed on the command prompt.
For the rest of the options, you can choose to use encryption or not. It's up to you now.
You can setup your database by creating an empty database with the name you want, and then execute the scripts located in the src/Rhisis.Infrastructure/Persistance/Migrations/SQL
Note that the scripts should be executed in the order and are formated as followed:
⚠️ This method might not work and require some rework of the CLI.
- Eastrall
- Steve-Nzr
- Freezeraid
- Skeatwin
- johmarjac
- Kaev
- YarinNet
- Almewty
- Anjuts
- MarkWilds
- tekinomikata
- Ukiyo
- Kinami
- Sauce