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This repository implements the API endpoint for the endorsement of HealthCerts on


HealthCert collaborators may refer to the documentation here.

Getting Started

Request Format:

curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <api key>' \
  -d '@wrapped_signed_healthcert.oa' \

Response Format:

  "notarisedDocument": {...},
  "ttl": 1636629304073,
  "url": "",
  "gpayCovidCardUrl": ""

Note: A response would typically take about 15 seconds.


  • Clinic/Provider Issued Sample: Sample HealthCert issued by a clinic/provider that utilises the new PDT Schema v2.0 here.

  • Notarise Issued Sample: Sample HealthCert after endorsement by that utilises the new PDT Schema v2.0 here.

  • All Schemas/Samples: For all documented schemas/samples, refer to the PDT-HEALTHCERT v2.0 section here.

  • GUI Toolkit: For ease of development with the Open Attestation library, use this toolkit for wrapping/unwrapping, diagnosing, verifying etc.



  • Copy .env from a co-worker or insert own credentials to get started. A copy of the .env file is available at .env.example.
  • When running locally, a local API key is required. Obtain it from the console when starting the serverless framework.

Developing locally

To start local environment:

npm install
npm run dev

To endorse a HealthCert in local environment, run one of the commands in a separate terminal:

curl -i -X POST \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: <api key>' \
  -d '@example_notarized_healthcert_wrapped.oa' \

# OR

npm run invoke-local:notarisePdt

To revoke a HealthCert in local environment, run the command in a separate terminal:

To check if your HealthCert is revoked on the staging or production OCSP Responder, go to (for staging OCSP) or (for production OCSP) to verify. The verifier should fail and show that the document has not been issued.

  1. Without hcReasonCode

    curl -i -X POST \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'x-api-key: <api key>' \
      -d '{
        data: <notarised document>
        }' \
  2. With hcReasonCode

    hcReasonCode is an optional parameter for healthcert providers to input the reason for revocation. Refer to the table below for the hcReasonCode values used when revoking healthcerts

    hcReasonCode Reason
    101 'Wrong data input'
    102 'Requested by MOP'
    curl -i -X POST \
      -H 'content-type: application/json' \
      -H 'x-api-key: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' \
      -d '{
        hcReasonCode: <reason code>,
        data: <notarised document>
        }' \

To run tests:

npm run test

Generating a sample wrapped cert

  1. Edit test/fixtures/v2/example_healthcert_unwrapped.json to include your particulars.

  2. npm run gen:input

Environment Variables

Copy .env.example into .env and replace the values needed:

  • TRANSIENT_STORAGE_URL: to your local or staging storage API
  • SIGNING_DID: check with ops
  • SIGNING_DID_KEY: check wth ops. For ethereum DID, it's equal to SIGNING_DID prepended with #controller
  • SIGNING_DID_PRIVATE_KEY: check with ops
  • OFFLINE_QR_ENABLED: Feature toggle for Offline Qr certification
  • SIGNING_EU_QR_NAME: Display name of the certification issuer
  • SIGNING_EU_QR_PUBLIC_KEY: Public key of signing offline QR with single line string and include \n for newline
  • SIGNING_EU_QR_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of signing offline QR with single line string and include \n for newline
  • GPAY_COVID_CARD_ENABLED: Feature toggle for Google Pay COVID Cards
  • GPAY_COVID_CARD_ISSUER: Issuer service account
  • GPAY_COVID_CARD_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key for signing JWT
  • WHITELIST_NRICS: Comma-separated NRICs to enable features only for whitelisted users. Other feature flags will be ignored when oaDoc patient's nricfin is matched from this list.
  • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: The url of the corresponding slack app to send notifications
  • RESIDENT_API_URL: To local or staging api-resident
  • RESIDENT_API_KEY: Api key for api-resident

Change port

  • Use the port option from serverless offline: npm run dev -- --port 3001


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