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Deprecated in 2.15.0

Elisabeth Engl edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 3 revisions

Deprecations in ocrd workspace in OCR-D/core v2.15.0

With releases 2.11.0 and 2.15.0, some constructs in the ocrd workspace command line interface have been deprecated. They will remain available until the next major release 3.x of OCR-D/core when they will be removed for good. We therefore encourage you to update your scripts and documentation according to the changes described here.

NOTE: This document uses the long-form options for clarity, you can always use -m instead of --mets and -d instead of --directory.

NOTE: There are sensible defaults for both --directory (current working directory) and --mets (mets.xml). If your current working directory is a workspace directory, you can call all commands without either:

  • ocrd workspace -d $PWD -m mets.xml validate -> ocrd workspace validate
  • ocrd workspace -d . -m mets.xml init -> ocrd workspace init
  • etc.

--mets-basename vs --mets

ocrd workspace no longer supports the --mets-basename option. An option --mets is introduced that can be used instead:

  • ocrd workspace --mets-basename foo.xml init -> ocrd workspace --mets foo.xml init

ocrd workspace init argument

The DIRECTORY argument to ocrd workspace init has been removed. Use the --directory option instead:

  • ocrd workspace init DIRECTORY -> ocrd workspace --directory DIRECTORY init

ocrd workspace clone argument

The second argument to ocrd workspace clone, WORKSPACE_DIR has been removed. Use the --directory option instead:

  • ocrd workspace clone METS_URL WORKSPACE_DIR -> ocrd workspace --directory WORKSPACE_DIR clone METS_URL

ocrd workspace validate argument

The METS_URL argument to ocrd workspace validate has been removed. Use the --directory/--mets options instead:

  • ocrd workspace validate /path/to/mets.xml -> ocrd workspace --mets /path/to/mets.xml validate
  • ocrd workspace validate /path/to/mets.xml -> ocrd workspace --directory /path/to validate

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