cd /Plutus/plutus-apps
Clone the plutes-app repository
git clone
Check the cabal.project commit hash and checkout the correct version
git checkout {correct version}
After building nix inside the plutus repo we can launch nix-shell within that directory. Open a terminal.
cd ~/Plutus/plutus-apps && sudo nix-shell
Then we can launch the plutus server.
cd plutus-playground-client
Open another terminal tab and activate another nix shell. Then lauch the client.
cd ~/plutus && sudo nix-shell
cd plutus-playground-client
npm start
Now we can open a browser and go to https://localhost:8009 to access Plutus Playground.
Open another terminal tab and launch a prelude terminal.
cd ~/plutus && sudo nix-shell
cd /home/[user]/plutus-pioneer-program/code/[week]
cabal repl
The Plutus depencies are constantly changing. It is in heavy acctive development. We need to keep the version that we are working with up to date.
This is a good resource for setting this up.
cd ~/plutus
git fetch && git rebase
git checkout [current commit hash]
sudo nix build -f default.nix plutus.haskell.packages.plutus-core
cd ~/plutus && sudo nix-shell
It will take a while for it to execute nix-shell on the first go around ~15 minutes.
cd ~/plutus-pioneers-program
git fetch && git rebase
git pull
Check the current commit hash within a repo by running the command git log -n1 --format=format:"%H"
I like to use VSCode.
I have installed two Haskell extensions.
VSCode is great for working with the code for the class. You can find the Plutus Pioneers github repo here.
I am following along with Lars in the video and makeing comments in the code as notes. I will save those notes in this repo under the week of the course.
I am using and as references when I don't understand the code. I am citing this in the comments with the page number.