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Title: LSFML Readme
Author: Christian Neumüller


Lua Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (or LSFML for short) is a binding of SFML to Lua.



The following libraries are needed:

  • SFML in the latest (git) version, available at
  • Boost in version 1.56 (later versions may/should also work).
  • Lua >= 5.1
  • apollo in the newest github revision (probably (yes, this is very alpha)).
  • A reasonably C++11 compliant compiler, for MSVC, at least version 12 (2013) is needed.

The build system used is CMake in a recent 3.0.x version, but 2.8.x should also work.


Especially on Windows, make sure to set any environment variables neccessary to let CMake find the librarys are set correctly: SFML_ROOT, BOOST_ROOT, LUA_DIR, APOLLO_DIR (they should point to the root directories of what is created when running make install, except for Boost, where it should contain the root path of the dowloaded library, where e.g. boostrap.bat is located).

As an alternative to setting the variables you can also install the libraries to the (CMake) standard locations or add the containing directories to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.


The CMakeLists.txt for apollo calls find_package() with some libraries where the corresponding Find*.cmake does not ship with CMake:

  • FindLua.cmake and FindApollo.cmake are contained in the apollo library.
  • FindSFML.cmake comes with SFML

To make CMake find them you have two options:

  • Copy the files to your CMake installation's module directory. This is the directory where e.g. the AddFileDependencies.cmake module is located. It usually lies in <prefix>/share/cmake-2.8/Modules, where <prefix> is the installation directory on Windows (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8) and usually simply /usr on Linux.
  • Specify the directories where the files are located as a semicolon ; separated list in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH CMake cache variable: Add entry, type string in the Windows GUI; or -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=<path-list> on the command line.

Actual build

What's left to do is a standard CMake build. The following contains nothing special, so if you are familiar with CMake, you can just skip the rest.


Navigate to the LSFML root directory in your shell, then execute the following commands:

mkdir build # Name basically arbitrary, but build is already in .gitignore
cd build    #
cmake .. # You may need to add the module path modifications here.
sudo make install # Optional.

Visual Studio

Use the Visual Studio command prompt as your shell and do as in Unix, with the following modifications: You may need to add -G "Visual Studio 12" to the cmake command line. Then use msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj instead of make and msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj instead of sudo make install if you want to install the Jade Engine. As in Unix, you will need administrative rights for installing, but because Windows has no sudo equivalent, you may need to e.g. launch a new VS command prompt as administrator.

LSFML -- Copyright © Christian Neumüller 2015 This file is subject to the terms of the BSD 2-Clause License. See LICENSE.txt or


Lua SFML binding library



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