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V1.1.0, I still don't care about cookies Latest

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@github-actions github-actions released this 25 Nov 03:16
· 165 commits to master since this release

I still don't care about cookies V1.0.9

(RECOMMENDED) Installation using official chrome & Firefox store

Manual installation guide

Contributors & website reporters

Thanks a lot to the contributors who are willing to contribute to the project by either reporting websites or by willing to implement websites into the extension 👍
(Especially thanks a lot @appeasementPolitik for contributing a lot this release 😄 )


If u need to contact me create a GH issue or message me on discord
Discord: ThaGuus#2140

Email: Info[AT]
Github: Issues

Main changes

  • Added support for 150+ websites mostly thanks to appeasementPolitik 😄

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0.10...v1.1.0