NuGet package that simplifies logging to Papertrail when using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
dotnet add package Bouchoms.Extensions.Logging.Papertrail --version 8.0.0
For development environments, add the configuration to your appsettings.json
file. This feature is not safe for realworld usage. Refer to Security and user secrets documentation to safely configure the credentials for realworld usage.
"Bouchoms.Extensions.Logging.Papertrail": {
"AccessToken": "your-access-token",
"Url": "your-papertrail-url"
dotnet add package Bouchoms.Extensions.Logging.Papertrail --version 6.0.0
For development environments, add the configuration to your appsettings.json
file. This feature is not safe for realworld usage. Refer to Security and user secrets documentation to safely configure the credentials for realworld usage.
"Bouchoms.Extensions.Logging.Papertrail": {
"AccessToken": "your-access-token",
"Url": "your-papertrail-url"
In your Startup
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
The logger provider is registered using the Papertrail
alias. This makes it possible to customize logging behavior per scope.
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": { // No provider, LogLevel applies to all the enabled providers.
"Default": "Error",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Warning"
"Debug": { // Debug provider.
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information" // Overrides preceding LogLevel:Default setting.
"Papertrail": { // Papertrail provider.
"LogLevel": {
"Microsoft": "Information"
See Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core for more information.