Parameters are passed using '\t' in the command text.
If you're using echo
, specify -e
argument so it handles escape characters.
For example:
echo -e "notify:Hello\tinformativeText:This is a text" > menubar_fifo
Default command.
Called when it's an unrecognized command or no command at all.
date > menubar_fifo
Creates a system notification.
- Parameters:
- informativeText: (Optional) Text displayed under main text. Usually an explanation of the notification.
- makeSound: (Optional) Boolean whether to play a sound with notification. Possible values:
true, YES, 1
echo "notify:CPU temperature is critical" > menubar_fifo
Shows a window with a prompt and edit field. User input is then sent to user_input_fifo. "\tCANCEL\t"
if cancelled.
- Parameters:
- informativeText: (Optional) Text displayed under main text. Usually an explanation of what is asked.
- protected: (Optional) Boolean whether edit field is password field. Possible values:
true, YES, 1
echo "ask:Please log in" > menubar_fifo
login=`cat user_input_fifo`
echo "Hi, $login"
Sets an icon in system bar.
- Parameters:
- width: (Optional) Desired image width.
- height: (Optional) Desired image height.
echo -e "icon:icon.png\twidth:16\theight:16" > menubar_fifo
To create custom menu, click on your menu bar -> "Open scripts dir", Finder window will open.
Create directory "menus" and place shell scripts inside it. Then restart the Bar application (see TODO: there will be a button/command/automatic, some way to rescan custom menus).
Menu item will have the name of the shell file.
- Restart script handler.
- Rescan menus.
- Examples with more sophisticated commands.
- How to create menus.