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How to Report Bugs

Joshua Hoke Davis edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

To see a list of reported bugs go to Bugs Reported

Points of contact

Here is a list of the people or websites for reporting bugs to

Compiler PoC
GCC GCC bugzilla
LLVM LLVM Bugzilla
IBM/LLVM Carlo Bertolli [email protected]
IBM/LLVM (Runtime, tasking) Alexandre Eichenberger [email protected]
XL Compiler Ettore Tiotto [email protected]
Cray Cathy Willis [email protected]



Gcc does not have a form to create an account. Here you can see the instructions. What you need to do is request an account to [email protected]


LLVM does not have a form to create an account. To apply for an account please contact [email protected]