Configurable secret scanner and genric credentials detector ensuring your secret will not leave your sandbox.
Scanner aims to:
- be correct (near 1.0 true positive rate and 0.0 false positive rate)
- be fast and use little RAM (scanning shall be done frequently and on large data sets, we have other things to spare resources for)
- be versatile (scan for multiple secrets that are easily configured)
- be modular (possibility to extend scanner with dedicated and specialised scanners)
- be easy to use (simple cmd tool that is run in a pipeline)
- be compact (easy to install single binary runnable without need for interpreters and other dependencies that create development bottlenecks and security concerns)
- The Regex scanner is based on the yaml file configuration.
- Regex scanner to use required keys to remove false positives - create using a yaml config file.
- The Regex scanner will use a key pattern based on regex from the yaml config file.
- Load subscriber detector configurations.
- The Laxer scanner with file context awareness and string literals parsing.
- Provide finding score.
- Remove false positives.
- Decoder for base16 (hex), base32, base58, base64, base85.
- Omits files that have given file extension.
- Omits package managers: npm, venv, go/pkg/, ruby gems, ...
- Reports file name, line number, raw secret, detector type and decoder type if used.
- Report summary per decoder and detector.
- Analytics - summarise findings, statistical data,
- Formated Otput: standard beautiful, json, yaml.
- Trivial de-dupe reoccurring secrets on a file and branch level.
- Scan filesystem - takes the path to the root directory to scan.
- Scan the git remote branch via the given URL, which scans all or specifed branches.
- Scan the git local branch via the given PATH, which scans all or specified branches.
- Scan the git incrementally - from some date range, from some commit hash.
- Scan the git and identify authors - who introduced the secret.
- Scan the git for specified branches diff.
- Scan archives (tar, zip, jar).
- Scan binaries.
- Scan Confulance and Jira.
- Scan slack.
- Scan Postgres database.
- Scan MongoDB database.
- Found secret per person.
- Store in local or remote DAG database.
- Read DAG statistics.
- Identify when a finding has been remediated.
- Identify when a finding has been remediated, or triaged based on known information
- Run scanner as a GRPC API server - perform all above via GRPC request.
- Expose for Golang, NodeJS and Python as a package to be easy to use.
- Test (will optimize for performance), remember to use one thread for testsing as the git source shares a single temporary folder and flushes it on finish.
cargo test -- --nocapture --test-threads=1
- Bench (optimized build)
cargo bench -- --nocapture
- Build release
cargo build --release
- Print usage main
./target/release/rogue --help
Detector scans for secrets according to configurations patterns.
Usage: detector <COMMAND>
filesystem Scan filesystem
git Scan remote git repository
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
- Print usage filesystem
./target/release/rogue filesystem --help
Scan filesystem
Usage: detector filesystem [OPTIONS]
--path <Path> Path to direcory to scan.
--config <Path> Path to config YAML file used for scanner configuration.
--omit <String> Space separated file patterns to ommit
--dedup <u64> Level of de duplications. 0 or not specified - no dedup, 1 - file level dedup
--nodeps If specified omits default dependencies such as npm, venv, gems, ect.
--scan-archives If specified performs archive scanning.
--scan-binary If specified performs binary files scanning.
--json Formats output to json, has precedance over yaml.
--yaml Formats output to yaml.
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- Print usage git
./target/release/rogue git --help
Scan remote git repository
Usage: detector git [OPTIONS]
--url <String> URL to git repository to scan.
--path <Path> Path to direcory to scan.
--config <Path> Path to config YAML file used for scanner configuration.
--omit <String> Space separated file patterns to ommit
--dedup <u64> Level of de duplications. 0 or not specified - no dedup, 1 - branch level dedup, 2 - file level dedup.
--nodeps If specified omits default dependencies such as npm, venv, gems, ect.
--scan-local If specified scans all local brancheses.
--scan-remote If specified scans all remote brancheses.
--branches <String> If specified scans branches from the given list, otherwise HEAD is scanned or all branches with flag --scan-local or -scan-remote.
--scan-archives If specified performs archive scanning.
--scan-binary If specified performs binary files scanning.
--json Formats output to json, has precedance over yaml.
--yaml Formats output to yaml.
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
- Example with config from assets:
./target/release/rogue filesystem --config assets/config.yaml --path <folder-with-expired-creds-to-scan>