Course on webVR, made for OTS Brussels.
Feedback 7 novembre
- QRcode to fix
- notes from Fabien's laptop
- check Fabien's previous page
POUR LE 7 NOVEMBRE (done, cf feedback)
- (F)
Couper en deux les lignes de code qui font plus de 80 charactere - (R)
Merge two first codes of Virtual Interaction log_2 o) - (R)
Tester code avec collision sur cube et camera. log2, a) - (R) Meilleur usage dans log2 b) activate object premier code (bouger ? grossir ?) TEST with geometry.parameters.width
- (R) Idem pour c) Gaze => faire exploser en 4 cubes ?
- (R) revoir code picked gazed.
- (R) Voir si possible de mettre code de f) et bonus round de log1 dans log2
- (R) Mettre 'Binaurial sound' dans la partie "look further" et non pas dans "Music is my life"
- (R) Add ways to "stop" the music, or loop it. + use volume in visualisation (genre taille du cube)
- (F) review the state of the art in the area using e.g.
- handling collissions
- SF WebVR Meetup: Building the VR Metaverse
- Josh from mozVR update (with mozilla webvr bug tracking) until 12min
- Baloola (social webGL platform) starting 14min
- vizor (content creation platform) starting at 32min
- sprawly similar to what Fabien is working on for PmWiki, just... more professional. Great idea of using speed reading (word after word with speed adjustment) for in VR reading.
- The Coming Distribution War by Tony Parisi, Vizi
- Mark Zuckerberg and Oculus’s Michael Abrash on Why Virtual Reality Is the Next Big Thing
- React bindings
- to read
- to watch ([John's talk] and overall the on-going REPL transition cf e.g.
- (F) Create and fill page "further steps"
- included the modules
- (F) Move the filesystem structure visually on the side
- done but doesn't refresh
- (F) Faire une page gallerie pour montrer ce que les autres étudiants ont fait (durant le cours ? En se basant sur le cours ? Ou juste en général ?) (en image, ou .... en VR ?)
- photo of Friedger's work
- Fabien's own vAtelier project
- Roman's demo
- RedThread for all the usage
- Possibilité d'avoir plusieurs personnes dans une scene (game, sharnig of attention, telepresence...)
- (R+F) Reorder the workshop (and think back on the lenght of SettingUp) so that: after 15 min : cube in 3D, after 30 min: stereovision (if possible with head control)
- ref for multiplayer stuff:
- (R+F) List the typical mistakes involved in 3D and VR (e.g. objects beind you, too far, too close, no relfecting material, object with only one face material, etc)
- Still no "Interface" (arguable, magical object picking done, dat.gui linked to, very good way to test values interactively in 3D, not ideal for VR though)
- Still no "webVR" (arguable, if linked scenes from independant creators then OK, not done, if VR on the web, then done)
- Voir si on peut s'en faire un truc tout les deux (projet etc etc)
- moved to going further