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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

back-end 🌑
back-end 🌑
bug 😱
bug :scream:
dependencies 🔺
dependencies :small_red_triangle:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
dev ops 🔧
dev ops :wrench:
discussion 💬
discussion :speech_balloon:
Needs further discussion before progress can be made
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
don't merge ⚠️
don't merge :warning:
done 🍻
done :beers:
Use this label when the bug is resolved
duplicate 2️⃣
duplicate :two:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement ✨
enhancement :sparkles:
We've taken a look at this issue, and while it isn't really a bug, we'll do a mini-feature.
feature request 💡
feature request :bulb:
New ideas
feature 🥇
feature :1st_place_medal:
Something new
fix 💉
fix :syringe:
Fixed an issue
front-end 🌕
front-end :full_moon:
good first issue 👍
good first issue :+1:
Good for newcomers
help wanted 💭
help wanted :thought_balloon:
Extra attention is needed
high priority 🚨
high priority 🚨
Needs attention
improvement 💪
improvement :muscle:
in progress 🚧
in progress :construction:
If you're currently working on a bug, use this label
incomplete 🤔
incomplete :thinking:
invalid ❌
invalid :x:
This doesn't seem right
looks good 👌
looks good :ok_hand:
low priority 👋
low priority :wave:
No worries mate
needs assigning ☝️
needs assigning ☝️
needs external response 🌝
needs external response 🌝
If you're waiting for an external factor such as response from the Google Ads team
needs review ✍️
needs review ✍️
If you're code/fix needs a code review
needs user response 🌚
needs user response 🌚
If you're waiting for a user to respond on Intercom
non-reproduceable 😞
non-reproduceable :disappointed:
Bug or issue can not be reproduced
on hold 🕒
on hold :clock3:
Won't be completed yet