A cordova plugin that gives you access to iOS and Android Orchextra platform from your hybrid app.
Android: https://github.com/Orchextra/orchextra-android-sdk
iOS: https://github.com/Orchextra/orchextra-ios-sdk
Start by creating a project in Orchextra dashboard, if you haven't done it yet. Go to "Setting" > "SDK Configuration" to get the api key and api secret, you will need these values to start Orchextra SDK.
cordova plugin add https://github.com/Orchextra/orchextra-cordova-sdk-plugin
- iOS 7 or later
- Android Jelly Bean (v. 18) or later. But can be integrated in Android Gingerbread (v. 10)
: Orchextra initialization.start
: Start listening to events.stop
: Stop listening to events.bindUser
: (Optional) Set a local representation of a user persisted to the Orchextra Database to help to create a good user segmentation.openScanner
: Launch scanner.
Orchextra initialization.
Params |
Configuration Dictionary {'apiKey': string , 'apiSecret': string , logLevel: string (optional)} |
CustomSchemeCallback returns a string with the Custom URL Scheme - Example: "myApp://news/international" |
- Log Level Options:
Log Level | |
Debug information (Recommended for Developers to get debug information about Orchextra) |
"debug" |
Only Error logs | "error" |
Warning and error logs | "warning" |
All logs (Displays all logs requests and responses from network, debug, errors and warnings) |
"all" |
orchextra.init({'apiKey': 'myApikey', 'apiSecret': 'myApiSecret', logLevel: 'all'}, customSchemeCallback)
Start listening to events.
Params |
successCallback |
errorCallback |
orchextra.start(successCallback, errorCallback)
Stop listening to events.
| Params | | --- |**** | - |
Set a local representation of a user persisted to the Orchextra Database to help to create a good user segmentation. This method is optional and could be set up at any time..
Param |
{ 'crmId' : string , 'birthday' : string (optional), 'gender' : string (optional) , 'tags' : array[strings] (optional) } |
{ 'crmId' : 'sergio24', 'birthday' : '1985/12/21', 'gender' : 'M', 'tags' : ['Visa', 'Master Card'] }
- Birthday String Format: aaaa/mm/dd
Ej: '1985/10/21'
- Gender String:
Gender | |
Male | "M" |
Female | "F" |
- Tags Strings:
['Visa', 'Master Card']
Launch scanner.
You can provide a description of "why the app wants to use location services" in the xcode project info.plist by modifying the value of the following keys and providing an string with the reason.
- NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
- NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription