#Gherkin features for Orchetra SDK project (Android / iOS)
####Login component Given The login view Given The login with an apiKey and apiSecret
When I fill the apiKey with <String>
When I fill the apiSecretpiKey with <String>
When I fill the apiKey with a fake apiKey
When I fill the apiSecretpiKey with a fake apiSecret
And The ApiKey field is present
And The ApiSecrect field is present
And The login button is present
And I press start button
Then The Orchextra logo and text is present
Then I am at the camera screen
Then I can't logged into the application
Then Then I deny the location permissions
####Actions Given The app logged
When The app get any action with notification title: Open Orchextra URL and body: Go to Orchextra site?
When The app get a webview action with url https://www.orchextra.io/
When The app get a custom scheme action with url ocm://welcome
When The app get a notification action with notification title: Open Orchextra URL and body: Go to Orchextra site?
When The app get a scanner action
When The app get a nothing action
Then I should see notification with title: Open Orchextra URL and body: Go to Orchextra site?
Then I should see a webview with title: orchextra.io
Then I should see the browser
Then I should see the Deep link
Then I should see the scanner
Then I should see nothing