RoboRTS is an open source software stack for Real-Time Strategy research on mobile robots, developed by RoboMaster. The Real-Time Strategy research that we focus on is multi-agent deep reinforcement learning based decision making.
The motivation for this project is RoboMaster AI Challenge. In this robot challenge, multiple robots should fight with each other on a game field automatically. It would be very convenient to have a unified framework for them to integrate hardware components and implement algorithms.
A modern mobile robot usually contains a simple low-level computing platform runs RT OS (Real Time Operation System) with restricted computing power but real-time output, and a strong high-level computing platform runs non-RT OS (such as Linux and Windows) which dedicates to computational intensive algorithm execution. In our system, the low-level computing platform is MCU (micro-controller), and the high-level computing platform is called the on-board computer.
The framework of RoboRTS consists two parts: autonomous mobile robot layer and intelligent decision-making layer.
The autonomous mobile robot layer alone can let a robot to demonstrate a certain level of intelligence. On its on-board computer runs perception, planning, decision modules, each of which contains some conventional algorithms like A* search and Lidar mapping. On its MCU, an RT low-level robot controller is implemented to govern the robot driving system. This README mainly explains the structure and functionality of this layer.
TODO: Intelligent decision-making layer includes a multi-agent decision-making framework and a game simulator, it will be released in the future.
You can build a mobile robot described in hardware_setup document and setup embedded system mentioned in RoboRTS-Firmware repository.
- ROS kinetic (Ubuntu 16.04)
- OpenCV 3.0.0 or higher
- CUDA(Optional)
- G2O
- SuiteSparse
- Google Protocol Buffers 2.6
- Google Glog
- CMake 3.1
Install ROS
Please follow the installing and configuring ROS environment tutorial on ROS Wiki.
Thirdparty Library
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-opencv3 ros-kinetic-cv-bridge ros-kinetic-image-transport ros-kinetic-stage-ros ros-kinetic-map-server ros-kinetic-laser-geometry ros-kinetic-interactive-markers ros-kinetic-rviz ros-kinetic-pcl-* ros-kinetic-libg2o protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libsuitesparse-dev libgoogle-glog-dev
git clone
cd RoboRTS/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Setting the RoboRTS environment variable
cd path/to/RoboRTS
echo "export ROBORTS_PATH=${PWD}" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Hardware setup: Instruction to build a RoboMaster infantry robot.
- Software architecture: The software architecture of RoboRTS framework.
- Protocol: The protocol between the on-board computer and the MCU.
- Tutorial: Additional tutorials will be released in the future.
RoboRTS is provided under the GPL-v3.