Create command line application that will prints Customer Information. Example output:
Effective Java (2nd Edition) May 28, 2008, by Joshua Bloch, published by Addison-Wesley
Implement searching orders by one customer. Example:
It's Constantine Ihnatsenka ordered 4 items
Update maven pom.xml to package war application (web-app). Create HTTP servlet that will render in response for request GET /hello
Hello from App developed by $yourName
- Use standalone Jetty to launch your war file.
Add logging in application using SLF4J + Logback.
- Configure console appender (to see time, threads, logging level, class and method, message)
- Refactor your code to use logger instead of System.out or ex.printstacktrace().
Create pages for displaying information about books and editing/creating books: GET /list - shows page with the list of Books GET /edit?cardId={cardId} - shows edits form for editing customers. If {cardId == 'new'} - new Customer. POST /edit?cardId={cardId} - handles edits form and redirects to page List of Books GET /search - shows page with the filtered list of books Extract application logic into Service tier