This study investigates the potential synergies between AI data centers and cryptocurrency mining to understand how this strategic coupling can alleviate dependence on fossil-fueled regional power grids while achieving cost-effective and climate-neutral operations. The following contents are included in this repository to support our key findings:
- Codes: include all codes to evaluate the strategic scenarios.
- Data: include all data used during the analysis.
To run the codes in this repository, the following package can be used (version is given for refenrence):
- GAMS Distribution 40.1.0
Please use the following citation when using the data, methods or results of this work:
Lal, A., You, F. Synergizing the AI-Crypto Energy Surge with Energy Transition Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 0.7 GtCO2e through 2030. Submitted to TBD.# AI_Crypto_Synergy