- C++11 compatible compiler (tested with g++ 4.8.1 and clang++ 3.4)
- flex (tested with 2.5.35)
- reasonably modern version of bison (tested with 2.7.12-4996)
- POSIX threading libraries (pthread)
- make
- doxygen (only if you want the generated documentation)
CPPFLAGS+=-O3 make -j 8 all
Binaries will be in build/bin
; for Doxygen docs, check docs/html
If you want to build using clang++ & libc++, just make sure you have a libc++ compatible version of clang, and do
CPPFLAGS+='-stdlib=libc++ -O3' CXX=clang++-libc++ make -B -j 8 all
There are two binaries: simple_parser
and interpreter
. Both accept data from the standard input.
pjk@deepThought2 ~/mff/lisp2$ echo "((lambda (x y z) (+ (+ x y) z)) 1 3 5)" | build/bin/interpreter
Integer: 9
pjk@deepThought2 ~/mff/lisp2$ echo "((lambda (x y z) (+ (+ x y) z)) 1 3 5)" | build/bin/simple_parser
-- InvocationNode:
|-- LambdaNode:
| |-- FormalParamsNode:
| | |-- BindingNode: name='x'
| | |-- BindingNode: name='y'
| | \-- BindingNode: name='z'
| \-- InvocationNode:
| |-- BindingNode: name='+'
| \-- ParamsNode:
| |-- InvocationNode:
| | |-- BindingNode: name='+'
| | \-- ParamsNode:
| | |-- BindingNode: name='x'
| | \-- BindingNode: name='y'
| \-- BindingNode: name='z'
\-- ParamsNode:
|-- IntNode: 1
|-- IntNode: 3
\-- IntNode: 5
For more examples, see the example
directory and
Create a named value
(let name value scope)
(let x 42
x) ; 42
(let square (lambda (x) (* x x))
(square 5)) ; 25
Simple conditional
(if cond then else)
(let fact (lambda (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))))
(fact 6)) ; 720
An anonymous function
(lambda params body)
((lambda (x y z) (+ (+ x y) z)) 1 3 5) ; 9
Takes a list of thunks (nullary closures) and evaluates them all in parallel
(parallel vector-of-thunks)
(let fib (λ (n) ; silly way to compute n-t Fibonacci's number
(if (<= n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(parallel '(~(fib 25) ~(fib 25)) )) ; should take about the same time as computing (fib 25) on a multicore machine - see examples/parallel.l
is equivalent toλ
- anything from
to the end of the line is a comment - repeated whitespace is insignificant
- all identifiers are case sensitive
Takes any S-expression and creates a thunk from it (effectively wraps it in a nullary lambda)
; Closure:
; -- LambdaNode:
; |-- FormalParamsNode:
; \-- IntNode: 5
; StackFrame bindings:
(~5) ; 5
Lazy generative streams:
(let take (λ (k stream) ; take k items from a stream
(if (= k 0)
(cons (car stream) (take (- k 1) ((cdr stream))))))
(let nats (λ (n) ; stream of integers starting from n
(cons n ~(nats (+ 1 n))))
(take 3 (nats 5)))) ; '(5 6 7)
'([s-exp1[ s-exp2[ ...]])
(let map (λ (list function)
(if (nil? list)
(cons (function (car list)) (map (cdr list) function))))
(map '(1 2 3 4 5) (λ (x) (* x x)))) ; '(1 4 9 16 25)
Integers, int?
<, >, =, <=, =>
+, -, *, /, %
true, false - bool literals, bool?
nil - the empty list
cons, car, cdr, nil?, list?, pair?
cons has 'pair' semantics to allow for lazy streams
It is worth noting that all the builtins are first-class values, just like any other function, so we can do
(let apply (lambda (a b op) (op a b))
(apply 1 1 +)) ;2
or even
which will give you something like
-- LambdaNode:
|-- FormalParamsNode:
| |-- BindingNode: name='__intrinsic_x1'
| \-- BindingNode: name='__intrinsic_x2'
\-- <corelib native function>
StackFrame bindings:
You can even do evil things such as
(let + (lambda (a b) (- a b))
(+ 3 5)) ; -2