The project was made using a special library commander.js, which simplifies the creation of command line utilities (cli).
Utility features:
- Support for different input formats:
- Generation a report in the form of
plain text
# plain format
gendiff --format plain path/to/file.yml another/path/file.json
Property 'common.follow' was added with value: false
Property 'group1.baz' was updated. From 'bas' to 'bars'
Property 'group2' was removed
# stylish format
gendiff filepath1.json filepath2.json
+ follow: false
setting1: Value 1
- setting2: 200
- setting3: true
+ setting3: {
key: value
+ setting4: blah blah
+ setting5: {
key5: value5
In the stylelish format: The absence of a plus or minus indicates that the key is in both files, and its values are the same. In all other situations, the key value is either different, or the key is in only one file. In the example above, the timeout key is in both files, but has different values, proxy is only in file1, and verbose is only in file2.
Node 14.x version at least
#clone this repository on your machine with SSH key
$git clone [email protected]:PShorin/frontend-project-46.git
#go to directory where you downloaded it
$cd directory-name
# run the one of these command to install all necessary dependencies
$make install
$npm ci
# this command is responsible for linking commands from package.json to "./bin" directory
$npm link
#run utility
$ gendiff <filepath1> <filepath2>
#run help
$ gendiff -h