Connection to the Motoman Ethernet Server, available on some Yaskawa Motoman Controllers. Tested on DX200 and YRC1000.
MotomanConnector(IP = "", PORT=80, S_pulse = 1341.4, L_pulse = 1341.4, U_pulse = 1341.4, R_pulse = 1000, B_pulse = 1000, T_pulse = 622)
Initalize the Library
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
IP | string | "" | Controller IP |
Port | int | 80 | Controller Port |
S_pulse | float | 1341.1 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis S |
L_pulse | float | 1341.1 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis L |
U_pulse | float | 1341.1 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis U |
R_pulse | float | 1000 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis R |
B_pulse | float | 1000 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis B |
T_pulse | float | 622 | No. Encoder Pulse per ° on Axis T |
Establish a connection to the Robot Controller. Raises an Exception on an unexpected or no Answer.
Drop the connection to the Robot Controller.
Read the Joint Angles.
Returns a list of six Joint Angles
MotomanConnector.getCoordinatesMH(coordinateSystem = 0)
Read the current Position in reference to a selectable coordinate system, currently Broken on DX Controllers!
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
coordinateSystem | int | 0 | The referenced coordinate System. 0 = Base, 1 = Robot, 2-64 = User |
Returns a list with the current Positional Values
MotomanConnector.servoMH(state = True)
Turn the Servo motors on/off. Keyswitch needs to be in "REMOTE" Position.
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
state | bool | True | Enable (True) or disable (False) the Servos |
Move the Robot in joint coordinates.
CAREFUL The Robot can get quite Fast, be careful with the speed Values.
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
speed | float | - | Speed in % |
S | float | - | S Joint Angle |
L | float | - | L Joint Angle |
U | float | - | U Joint Angle |
R | float | - | R Joint Angle |
B | float | - | B Joint Angle |
T | float | - | T Joint Angle |
Write a Variable on the controller.
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
type | int | - | Type of the Variable | 0 = Byte, 1 = Integer, 2 = Double, 3 = Real, 7 = String. Other Values raise an exception |
number | int | - | Variable Number |
value | byte/int/float/string | - | Value to be set |
Read a variable from the controller
Returns the read Value
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
type | int | - | Type of the Variable | 0 = Byte, 1 = Integer, 2 = Double, 3 = Real, 7 = String. Other Values raise an exception |
number | int | - | Variable Number |
Read the Status bytes from the Robot.
Returns a list containing the two status Bytes.
Read the current Job name.
Returns job name
Start a Job by its name
Returns (d1,d2) ->
string d1: return of command transaction
string d2: return of the Payload Transaction
Parameter | type | Default | Description |
job | string | - | Job name which to start |