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Front End Documentation

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

TechnologiesGetting StartedContributingFile Component StructureLearn More

🔧 Technologies

Next.js  React  Tailwind CSS  TypeScript  Radix Ui 

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Create a New folder where you can store the project file to be referred as the Project Folder

  2. Open command prompt, change current directory to as the Project Folder

  1. Clone the Project, add . on the end to extract files to current directory.
git clone .
  1. Switch to Frontend team's working branch, dev
git checkout dev
  1. Run npm install to install project dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the development server:
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying src/pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

🤝 Contributing

Project Setup:

  1. Make a new folder your PC
  2. Open that new folder directory in VS Code
  3. Open Terminal in VS Code, input
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:PUP-The-Programmers-Guild/TPGWebsite.git
git checkout -b dev
git pull origin dev

Contribution Guide:

  1. Check if you are on latest of dev branch
git pull origin dev
  1. Switch to the dev via
git checkout dev
  1. Create a new branch based on latest dev
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>


I. <new-branch-name> format is [dev-name]-[branch-type]-[task-desc].
II. [dev-name] refers to your nickname. III. [branch-type] refers to the nature of your task. Which can be feat, fix refactor

  • feat - a new feature
  • fix - a bug fix
  • refactor - a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature

IV. [task-desc] should be 2-3 words, connected by dash / - , describing your task. Example would be: latest-news-section

  1. Make sure to know what branch you are currently working on by entering:
git branch
  1. You may start working now on your local copy by adding/editing/removing files.
  2. After all changes, to save them to the Github repo, follow:
git add -A
git commit -m "{Describe your proposed changes}"
git push origin <current-branch-name>
  1. Open a new Pull Request in the PUP-The-Programmers-Guild/TPGWebsite ( repository under the Pull Request tab.
  2. Make sure that the Pull Request flow is as follows: base: dev <- compare:yourname-branchtype-taskdesc.
  3. Write a description about the Pull Request. @See: Pull Request Format Guide
  4. Notify the team about your new Pull Request via the Messenger Group Chat. Individual Changes from different branches will be then merged into dev via Pull Request.

Pull Request Description Format:

Changes Includes:
- Add: (What are the files added in the project + reason)
- Modify: (What are the files modified in the projected + reason)
- Remove: (What are the files deleted + reason)

Packages Installed:
[Name of library/package] - [Description why it is added]

- Free Format & Any Order

Tasks to do (Incase that it is stil WIP upon PR):
- Free Format & Any Order


⚛️ UI Components

During development, make sure to read about Radix UI (@See: Learn More) and use available components from the library. This is to ensure consistency and accessibility of components throughout all parts within the project.

📁 File Component Structure

└── frontend/
    ├── public/
    │   ├── fonts/
    │   └── news
    └── src/
        ├── components/
        │   ├── Devskolar
        │   ├── Home/ (Homepage route)
        │   │   ├── Hero (Hero Section)
        │   │   └── News/ (News Section)
        │   │       └── Slide (Slide component under News Section)
        │   ├── NavBar
        │   └── base
        ├── lib
        ├── mock
        ├── pages/
        │   ├── api
        │   └── news/
        │       ├── accomplishments
        │       └── events
        └── styles

For context: src folder should contain all of the relevant react project files. Under this folder we have pages and components.

src/pages serves as the routing path for the website (Concept: File-based routing in NextJS). Each file will serve as the layout for a specific page.

For example: src/pages/index.tsx refers to the localhost:3000/ page.

src/components serves as the folder to organize all UI elements used in each page. For clarity, All child folders of src/components should be corresponding to page routes in src/pages (Referred to as page component folder).

  • Except for index.tsx, which is referred as Home for its page component folder

Each child folder should contain folders corresponding to each section available within the page (Referred to as section component folder). Within this folder should contain all relevant files used for this section such as components/utils/hooks/context files in the form of .ts or .tsx

For example: src/components/Home is representing index.tsx as a page component folder, under src/components/Home are the page sections Hero and News. These two folders should contain all of the atomic UI components (buttons, accordions, etc.) used within that specific section as it is a section component folder.

📖Learn More

To learn more about the technologies used, take a look at the following resources:

Feel free to contact the TPG Website - Frontend Team community chat for any questions/clarifications/suggestions.


Frontend repository for PUP - The Programmers' Guild's Website



