Releases: Pablito2020/Tetris-Android
Releases · Pablito2020/Tetris-Android
Features of the 1.2.0 release 😇
This release includes a lot of features, and some bug fixes from the first release. For all the changes, see the changelog file.
Other features that cannot be seen from the "user perspective" are:
Bug fixes from the first release 🐛:
- Fixed music not working on android oreo (8.0 and 8.1) devices.
- Fixed some typos on the french language translations.
Style features 💅:
- Confetti when the user plays his first game or makes a new record
- Material U components, such as AutoCompleteEditText
Code, architecture design and good practices 💻:
- ViewModel factories (avoiding the setUp methods).
- The CQRS design pattern for the queries and commands from the autocomplete search.
Android and Kotlin additional used features 🤩:
- Kotlin dispachers for IO corroutines and runBlocking calls.
- Android Room database.
- Kotlin delegates and android custom delegates.
Supported devices 📱:
- Smartphones (96% of screen resolutions)
- 7 and 8 inches tablets (98% of screen resolutions)
- 10 inches tablets (98% of screen resolutions).
Features of the first release 😇
This release includes a lot of features, since it implements the whole Tetris game, plus some additions (like themes, music, and more) that makes it unique.
Other features that cannot be seen from the "user perspective" are:
Tetris Game features 🕹️:
- Smart block spamming, depending on difficulty.
- Different speed of block falling, depending on difficulty.
- Re-collocating a piece before it's too late.
Style features 💅:
- Material U design.
- Custom splash screen with the new library from google.
- Play/pause button animation
Code and architecture design and good practices 💻:
- Followed a clean architecture (layered architecture).
- Test Driven Development for the domain.
- MVVM architecture pattern for android
Android and Kotlin additional used features 🤩:
- Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous tasks.
- Splash screen library
Translations 🌍:
- English
- Spanish
- Catalan
- French