This module lets you hash a single PascalCoin block header. It was developed to be used by PascalCoin Free Pool in order to verify shares.
The RandomHash algo can be called from Node.js in either sync, or async mode:
var randomhash = require("node-randomhash");
var blockHeader = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from(blockRpcData.part1, "hex"),
Buffer.from(payload, "hex"),
Buffer.from(blockRpcData.part3, "hex"),
Buffer.from(nTime, "hex").swap32(),
Buffer.from(nonce, "hex").swap32()
// Sync
var blockHash = randomhash.hashSync(blockHeader);
var blockHashString = blockHash.toString("hex");
// Async
randomhash.hashAsync(blockHeader, function (err, blockHash) {
if(err) {
// An error occurred during hashing
var blockHashString = blockHash.toString("hex");
The C++ code of this module was adapted from Polyminer's excellent RHMiner:
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