- Uses official RabbitMQ docker image.
- Creates Autoscaling Group and ELB to load balance nodes
- Configures
vhost queues in High Available (Mirrored) mode with automatic synchronization ("ha-mode":"all", "ha-sync-mode":"3"
) - uses the aws peer discorvery for cluster creation
- removes old nodes from the cluster and rebalances quorum queues when a new node joins the cluster
- the names of the various resources is formed by ${name_prefix}-${resource_abreviation}-${region}-${name_postfix}, thereby allowing you to conform to the naming scheme. The prefix should contain prefix, project and env. The postfix should contain description and suffix.
The following configuration options exist:
module "rabbitmq" {
name_prefix = ""
name_postfix = ""
source = "github.com/Patagona/terraform-aws-rabbitmq?ref=001055c"
vpc_id = ""
ssh_key_name = ""
subnet_ids = [""]
elb_additional_security_group_ids = [""]
size = "3"
service_tag = ""
instance_type = "t3a.micro"
rabbitmq_version = "3.9.13-management"
instance_volume_type = "gp3"
instance_volume_size = "10"
instance_volume_iops = "3000"
instance_volume_throughput = "125"
metric_host = "" # the hostname, where metrbicbeat publishes metrics to
metricbeat_version = "7.17.1" # defaults to "7.17.1"