Originated from https://bitbucket.org/armish/gsoc14 and will continue here (ToDo).
This data resource is manually curated and it contains validated miRNA-target interactions. These interactions can easily be converted to BioPAX Level3 format.
- Home page: http://mirtarbase.mbc.nctu.edu.tw (also, - aliases.txt from http://www.mirbase.org)
- Type: microRNA-target interactions
- Format: XLS/TSV
- License: Free for academic use
The database provides downloadable miRNA-target relationships in Excel format.
For each interaction, we have knowledge about the miRNA, the target gene,
the organism and the coresponding publication that describes the interaction.
Each miRNA has a unique MiRTarBase ID, but these IDs are registered in
the Miriam database. This creates a problem for us when creating miRNA
references with UnificationXref
s to them. To overcome this problem,
we also import miRBase aliases which provides
official unique IDs for given miRNA names.
We encode miRNA-target relationships with TemplateReaction
s through
which the corresponding gene product is produced and the reaction is
inhibitied by the corresponding miRNA. miRNAs are represented by Rna
objects, where they have RelationshipXref
s to MiRTarBase and
s to miRBase. If a miRNA name is associated with multiple
unique miRNAs, then we capture this information via adding different-named
miRNAs as a MemberPhysicalEntity
to the original miRBase reference.
We encapsulate each interaction in an organism-specific pathway so that users can only work with pathways that are of interest to them, for example human miRNA-targets.
The image below shows a partial Homo sapiens
Check out (git clone) and change to:
$ cd mirtarbase-to-biopax
build with Maven:
$ mvn clean package
This will create a single executable JAR file under the target/
with the following file name: mirtarbase-to-biopax.jar
. Once you have
the "fat" JAR file, you can try to run it without any command line options
to see the help text:
$ java -jar target/mirtarbase-to-biopax.jar
usage: MirtarbaseToBiopax
-o,--output <arg> Output file (BioPAX) [required]
For a conversion, one input data file is required, and two more are optional (e.g., if you'd like to import organisms and aliases mapping from a specific miRBase release):
- MiRTarBase Excel file - either full or partial (human);
- miRBase aliases: ftp://mirbase.org/pub/mirbase/CURRENT/aliases.txt.gz (optional, - if you'd use the very latest data)
- miRBase organisms: ftp://mirbase.org/pub/mirbase/CURRENT/organisms.txt.gz (optional)
Once downloaded and expanded, these can be converted to BioPAX using the following command:
$ java -Xmx4g -jar mirtarbase-to-biopax.jar -m aliases.txt -s organisms.txt -i hsa_MTI.xlsx -o out.biopax.owl